Finding Betsy - Chapter 27

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The sound of the phone ringing pulled Betsy from her brain fog. Frowning, she dragged her gaze away from her laptop screen and down to the device now dancing across her desk. The screen held an unknown number and, for a moment, she considered letting it go to voice mail. Her number had fallen into the hands of media types more than once and her voice mail was rarely without a message asking for an interview request. But, what if it wasn't?

Heck, even if it was, it would still be more exciting than the admin which had held her attention for three straight hours. Her finger swiped to answer.

"Hello?" she asked, holding the phone to her ear as she absently tapped at the keyboard with her free hand.

"Betsy?" came a timid, vaguely familiar voice down the phone line.

Her fingers ceased their typing. "Yes, speaking."

"You probably don't remember me. It's Nicola. We met at the self defense class a few weeks back and you gave me your card." She rushed to explain. "You said to give you a call if I ever wanted to speak to someone. I wondered if that offer was still open?"

"Oh, of course," Blinking in surprise, Betsy glanced at the clock at the bottom of her screen. "The offer is definitely still open. What were you thinking?"

"Coffee? In an hour?" she said, her voice hopeful.

Betsy clicked on to her calendar. It was blissfully empty the first time in weeks. Reluctantly, she stared at the teetering pile of folders waiting for her review.

"Sounds perfect." She agreed, before she could hesitate.

In truth, the call was a blessing. She was grateful for the excuse to get away from a tedious day staring at paper. She would never admit it but she had started to acclimatise to her role as a public persona. She would never say that she enjoyed it. She had simply adapted as best she could. However, in the process, it was now a challenge to sit still at her desk when she had become so used to being constantly on the move.

In truth, with her primary role now dedicated to raising awareness for the charity, the amount of work she did on the ground - working directly with those who used the charity's services - was now voluntary. She had no obligation to continue with it and the paperwork that followed. But, she had committed to helping and she would. Just like she would honour the commitment she had made to her fellow survivor.

"There's a small coffee shop down the road from the class. The one with the flower boxes in the windows?"

There was a brief pause before she replied, "I know the one."

"I'll see you there then? In an hour."

Betsy nodded her head. "I'll see you there."

They exchanged a few more pleasantries before they ended the call. Betsy dropped the handset back on to her desk, watching as the screen flipped back to black. Nicola's face flashed through her mind. A part of her wanted to pick up the phone, call her back and cancel. After the storm which had followed their last meeting, it was a big risk. What if they were photographed again? What if her actions caused harm? She would never forgive herself?

And yet, Nicola had called her. Surely that was a good sign?

Betsy ignored the urge to cancel. This was about more than herself. She had received the call, despite everything which had come before. She wouldn't and couldn't ignore it. Betsy still remembered how hard it had been to reach out to her sponsor when she had been overwhelmed by memories of that day. If they had cancelled or postponed, she wouldn't have reached out again. She would have suffered alone in silence.

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