Finding Betsy - Chapter 24

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She was frowning in her sleep again.

Nick settled on the edge of the bed and smoothed his fingers over the furrow in her brow. He repeated the gestured until, with a weary sigh, the frown ebbed away. He allowed his own sigh to escape before he withdrew his hand and gently climbed from the bed.

She had tossed and turned the entire night. It had been the same for the past few nights. His dry eyes reminded him of his own lack of sleep but he couldn't hold it against her. If he was in her position, he would be exactly the same.

"Nick?" Betsy's sleep-coated voice murmured, her hand reaching out across the sheets in search of him.

Leaning over, Nick pressed his lips to her forehead. "Go back to sleep, love. It's still early."

She mumbled a response but it was lost as she sank further into the pillows.

Assured she was settled, or at least as settled as she could be, Nick slipped on his dressing gown and stuffed his feet into a pair of slippers. He glanced back before he left. Her mouth had fallen open, her soft snores filling the air. Though, he was sad to see her frown was back.

His shoulders slumped as he turned and stepped out into the hallway. The door closed softly behind him. Yet, even with a barrier between them, Nick may as well have been worrying at her side.

Before he could dwell too much, quiet chatter and giggles echoed down the hallway. Smiling to himself, Nick followed the sound.

Pushing open the door to Delilah's room, he was met with the sight of his two children laid on the floor, completely immersed in a book. Delilah clumsily read aloud while Tommy was enthralled with the pictures. Unwilling to disturb their moment too soon, Nick leaned up against the door frame.

He was so damned lucky. Nick wasn't sure how. Sure, they could both find their way into trouble in the most imaginable ways, Delilah's short hair was a testament to that, but he was so grateful for their bond. He was grateful they had each other. And Nick was so grateful he had them.

"Good morning," Nick said softly, causing both children to jump.

Tommy scrambled up on to his feet and hurled himself forward. With his arms around Nick's waist, he peered up at him with a bright-eyed smile.

Ruffling his son's hair, he glanced over at Delilah."Did you both want to help me make breakfast for Betsy?" Nick asked. "She needs to be pampered today."

Delilah scrambled up to standing, her head bobbing up and down enthusiastically. "Yes!"

"Come on then." Nick replied, leaning down to hoist his son into his arms.

Delilah took his free hand and together, as a family, they made their way down to the kitchen.

Nick had just placed the pancakes on to a plate when footsteps echoed down the hallway.

"Something smells good." Betsy stated, stepping into the room with a yawn. She rubbed tiredly at her eyes before crossing over to join them all. Pressing a kiss to both children's cheeks, she then turned to survey the scene before her. "What's going on here?"

Delilah had a small pout on her lips as she replied, "We were going to surprise you with breakfast in bed."

"Thank you for breakfast. It was very thoughtful of you all." Betsy said, pulling the young girl into a side-hug. "How about Daddy gets the rest of the pancakes and we can all eat together? I'd much rather eat breakfast with all of you."

Betsy absently smoothed her fingers though Delilah's unruly hair before wiping off the flour which was clinging to the end of her nose.

Delilah nodded but there was still a slight pout on her face. "Okay." She relented, pushing the breakfast tray to the side.

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