Finding Betsy - Chapter 10

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"Breathe deep and keep calm," Nick muttered to himself, glad that for a few more moments he was alone. "It's only for a few days."

Nick's lips momentarily lifted into a smile. It appeared Betsy was rubbing off on him. He had never been one to give himself pep talks. At least not before. Yet, it was something he had seen Betsy do over and over again.

The rumble of an approaching vehicle wiped the smile from his face. The arrival of the in laws was always heralded by dread. Nick's relationship with the older couple had always been challenging. A challenge that had felt almost insurmountable following the passing of his wife and their daughter, Francesca. They always thought they knew better. They didn't. It didn't stop the bitter resentment on both sides.

Yet, little over a year ago, things had started to change. It was all Betsy's doing. Nick's relationship with the older couple was still fraught with an underlying tension he wasn't sure would ever disappear. Yet, despite all of that, Betsy had a way of smoothing over the cracks so that their interactions were less painful.

Tyres crunched on the gravel outside. Taking one last breath, Nick swung open the door with his corporate smile plastered firmly on his face. A woman clambered from the car, smoothing out her vibrant green tweed suit. There was a pinched expression upon her features. became more exaggerated she lifted her gaze and met his stare.

As many miracles as Betsy managed, Nick would never truly forgive elderly woman. And, if the expression upon her face was an indication,the feeling was mutual.

Still, Nick stepped forward to meet her, his corporate smile firmly in place. "Carol, you're looking well."

"Thank you, Nicholas." Carol replied, her aristocratic voice moving through the pleasantries with ease. "How is Elizabeth faring?"

"She is well. She's enjoying her new job."

Carol sighed, her eyes lifting to the skies in askance. "All these modern notions. I never worked when Francesca was a child."

Gritting his teeth, Nick ground out,"Well, times change."

The woman dropped her gaze to his, her lips pursing. "Indeed they do. I'm only glad that you are able to keep up."

An indignant snort escaped his lips. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Only that you are not as progressive as you like to make everyone believe." The woman raised a single eyebrow and leveled him with a frank stare. "My daughter was brilliant. Yet, as soon as she was married to you, she remained at home to have your children."

Nick shook his head and released a sad sigh, "If you truly believe that, then you don't know your daughter at all."

With those parting words, Nick brushed past her. As he approached her better half, the smile Nick received was one part exasperation, one part disappointment, and one last part full of apology.

Under her breath, he heard her whispered mutter, "And whose fault is that?"

Ignoring the taunt, Nick relaxed his jaw and tried to forget his ire as he approached his father in law. The older man was stooped over the boot of the car. He grunted as he attempted to haul a large case from the dark confines, beads of sweat forming on his brows.

"Let me get that for you, Greg." Nick said by way of greeting, taking the large expensive designer suitcase from his grasp.

As soon as Greg relinquished his hold, Nick's shoulder pulled as he took the full weight. What was the old woman packing? Surely there had to be enough books in the case to fit out a library. Designer frocks did not weigh this much. Then again, he wouldn't put it past his mother in law to intentionally load the case with his discomfort in mind.

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