Finding Betsy - Chapter 15

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Halloween was an entirely different experience when you had children to care for. It wasn't something Betsy had ever really celebrated when she was younger. Sure, they would put out pumpkins and watch 'Hocus Pocus' together while wearing cheap witch hats. But it wasn't an event on the calendar that had ever filled Betsy with eager anticipation. Then again, in the Jones household, it had always been about Christmas.

But, there was something incredibly infectious about Halloween with the littlest Davenports and the children she worked with. Pumpkin carving, she could avoid that in a heart beat. Watching the children's excitement over their costumes and their eagerness to transform into their favourite character or creature was something she would never forget.

Dabbing a smudge across a cheek of an adorably smiley vampire, Betsy sat back and gave a nod. "You look very scary, Ellie."

The young girl smiled wide, her false fangs dropping from her mouth in the process. "I'm not Ellie, Miss Betsy."

"Oh yes, I forgot. Lady Dracula, the party awaits."

The young girl snatched her fangs off of the floor and, before Betsy could stop her, popped her fangs back into her mouth. "Thanks, Miss Betsy."

Trying not to cringe at the germs the young girl had put into her mouth, Betsy offered her a wave and watched her disappear into the room beyond.

"This was an excellent idea. I can think of no better way that to open the new centre." A regal voice announced, coming to stand at her side. "We definitely made the right decision when it came to you, my dear."

Climbing to her feet, Betsy swiftly held out her hand to the older woman with a smile. "It's lovely to see you again."

"Same to you, dear." The older woman, who had decided to join in the festivities, had donned a vibrant red wig and devil horns. Yet, despite the tacky head wear, Mrs Bainbridge still managed to look regal in her richly embroidered gown. Betsy wasn't entirely sure whether it was due to the way she held herself, her natural grace, or the clothing. Either way, she stood apart even when she was just trying to fit in.

"Are you ready for your speech?"

Betsy blinked and glanced up at the other woman. "Speech? What speech?"

"I was sure it had all been agreed." The older woman stated with a frown, her eyes drifting off to the gathered crowd of witches, superheroes, and vampires. "I thought she would have asked you by now. Not to worry, you can just improvise."

A lump formed in Betsy's throat and the familiar tightness wrapped around her chest. "Can't you do it? I'm really not prepared."

"Come now, dear. No one wants to listen to an old lady speak."

"I can think of one person that would like to hear you speak." Betsy choked out, swallowing loudly to try and clear the dryness in her mouth.

"Think of this as practice. There are only two members of the press here today. It will be good to practice on the small fries ahead of any larger engagements."

Betsy's fingers clenched into the skirts of her costume. Suddenly dressing as a witch in stripy socks, a puffy netted skirt, and back combed hair felt like a poor decision. A very poor decision. The grand opening of the new centre was a big event. It didn't matter that only two members of the press were here. Every person with a mobile phone these days was essentially a member of the press. They could photograph and record her embarrassment with ease and there would be nothing they could do to stop if from spreading over the Internet.

Swallowing, she drew in a breath. And then another. Her fingers unclenched from her skirts and she smiled shakily up at the older woman. She was glad of the thick coating of green paint on her face which hid her sudden paleness.

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