Finding Betsy - Chapter 30

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"It's good to see you again." Nick greeted, clasping each board member's hand firmly as they stepped into the room and took their seat at the conference table.

It was almost like playing a game. He met each stare boldly, allowing them always to be the first to look away. It was a silent contest only he would win. He could not show weakness. Not now. Their attention was a burning on the back of his neck. There were a few Giannopoulos men circling quietly overhead just waiting for the moment to strike. He would be damned before he made it easy for them.

For once, Markos was the last to filter in. Nick almost didn't recognise him. He was a changed man. His usual genial expression was missing from his face. Instead,the laugh lines drooped around his eyes and mouth. He looked tired.

Nick shook his hand, the pair exchanging a look which spoke more than words ever could.

Closing the door, Nick followed him to the table and, for the very first time, Markos did not take a seat at its head. Instead, he took the open seat beside his assistant, Maura. Nick's step faltered for only the briefest moments. The gesture had been silent but, with the glances shared around the table, it may as well have been a neon sign. There was so much he would have to thank Markos for. His unwavering support was just one of them.

Tina, who had taken a seat further down the table, offered a small smile. He gave a minimal tilt of his head in acknowledgment. It was good to have support in a room of unknown quantities. Other than a few, Nick was still figuring who on the board would follow him and who would be looking for the first opportunity to throw him under the bus.

Nick slid smoothly into the seat at the head of the table, his shoulders back and his chin up as he formally took up his position at the head of the executive board. The weight was heavy but he knew it was one he could carry.

"Welcome, everyone. Thank you for your attendance today." Nick began, folding his hands calmly on the varnished oak. "I apologise for making today mandatory. We have many important matters to discuss and it requires all of you to be here."

Markos's ever efficient assistant slid files across the conference table to each of the suited men. Most accepted them with nods of thanks. Nick's keen eyes did not miss the way the younger Giannopoulos at the end of the table pursed his lips. Nor did he miss the way leaned close to his neighbour, his father, and murmured under his breath. As if sensing his gaze, the younger man lifted his attention, his stare meeting Nick's.

If Nick had had any doubt, it swiftly disappeared as he watched the exchange.

Markos hadn't missed the moment either. His hands, folded on the table before him, clenched into fists. Then, slowly, as if it were taking every ounce of focus to do so, they uncurled one finger at a time before he pulled the agenda towards him.

Nick cleared his throat, his eyes landing on a Giannopoulos with a head of dark hair and a pair of wire rimmed glasses perched on the end of his nose. "Yiannis, can you update us on the Bologna project? I understand you met with the Italian delegates last week?"

The man sat up in his seat and immediately fell into a monologue. The meeting swiftly moved into standard business talk - from upcoming projects to budgets and balance sheets. It took everything within him to focus. All he wanted was to jump straight into the confrontation which was long overdue. Who wouldn't? He could feel hatred burning into the side of his face.

Nick ignored him. A forced calm seeping into his frame. A reaction was just what he wanted but he could keep on wanted.

The room fell into an expectant quiet. Glancing down at the agenda before him, Nick noted they were at the end of the page. It was time.

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