Chapter 14

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There were many ways that Nick imagined waking up in the morning. Most of them, involved several ways in which he could continue the previous night's activities. Alone time in a house with two children was hard to come by. It felt harder still with the latest changes in their life - her new job and his. Often, they both collapsed into an exhausted sleep before they could even get to anything more carnal than a goodnight kiss.

They hadn't let the rare opportunity for alone to pass them by. They had woken several times through the night, almost relearning each others' bodies. Nick had been insatiable. He was hungry in a way he never had been before and Betsy had been the only one who could cure his hunger. It had been the early hours of the morning before they had finally drifted to sleep, completely spent. 

Nick could have slept for days. He wanted to sleep for days. Yet, despite the lethargy in his arms and legs, he found himself pulled back into wakefulness. He kept his eyes closed, breathing deeply to try and catch on to the remnants of his dream. Now that the rare opportunity was here, with his diary clear for the day, he wouldn't mind spending an extra hour in bed if it meant he got to spend it with Betsy in his arms. He couldn't even place this feeling. It was so new. All Nick knew for certain was that he was content for the first time in months. 

A tension had existed between them since her attack - perhaps even before - a tension he hadn't even realised was there. Yet, it was clear to him now. A part of him had been holding back. A part of him still expected Betsy to turn around and walk away. She had done it once before even if he understood her reasons. Fear could claim anyone. But alone in the tent, with nothing between them, he felt all of that hesitation disappear. For better or worse, he was hers. He would go along with whatever she decided but only after he proved to her how much he had to offer her. How much they had to lose. 

Something snuffled at the side of his face. Tightening his hold around Betsy's waist, Nick buried his face into her curls. Again, there was more snuffling. Eyes springing open, his body immediately tensing as Nick glanced over his shoulder. And then he sighed loudly. 

"You are a bloody menace," he berated the horse, receiving a snort in response. 

Impatiently, the large stallion grabbed on to the corner of the blanket and tugged. It slid from their bodies allowing the call morning air to flood into the cocoon of warmth.

"No," Nick chastised, grabbing onto the corner of the blanket and starting a rather futile game of tug of war with his damned horse. If he didn't love the beast so much, he'd be tempted to sell the nuisance. 

"Nick," Betsy groaned sleepily, burrowing further in pillows. "Stop stealing all of the blankets."

 "Sorry, but it's not me." He apologised, giving another tug. The thin blanket, unable to take the strain, split down the middle so that both horse and owner were holding half. Blinking, his partner rolled on to her side and blinked. 

"Nick, there's a horse in our tent." 

Chuckling at her sleepy voice, Nick stroked a hand through her hair. "Thank you for stating the obvious." He said before covering her body with his half of the blanket. "Go back to sleep, I will deal with our little escape artist."

 Aware he was the subject of their discussion, his horse snorted. "Think you're funny do you?" He asked, leaning over the side of the pallet to snatch up his discarded jeans. 

Not bothering with underwear, Nick slid his jeans over his hips, before hastily stuffing his feet into his shoes. Then, he moved over to the horse and stroked a hand along his nose. After ensuring the mischievous stallion hadn't injured himself in the escape attempt, he gently guided him towards the flaps which separated the tent from the outside world. The horse reluctantly moved, his hooves clacking against the wooden floor while his snout bowed down to snuffle at Nick's pockets. 

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