Finding Betsy - Chapter 26

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"It's ready," Nick announced, turning on his heel with his phone  clutched tightly in hand.

His breath caught as Betsy's fingers skimmed along her curves as she pulled up the side zip on the royal blue dress. What he wouldn't give to be the one touching her side. His finger ended the call even as she turned side to side to inspect herself in the mirror. His eyes lifted to her reflection too. 

Unbidden, he tugged at the collar of his dark shirt. Was it hotter in here?

Nick swallowed to try and clear the sudden dryness in his mouth. If only he could cancel their dinner plans as quick as he'd ended the call. Sadly, it was far too late to cancel.

Distractedly, Betsy smoothed down her dress one last time as she asked, "What's ready?"

He grinned so widely, his teeth were showing as he replied, "Our house."

She spun around, staggering slightly from the abrupt move. Nick's hands took hold of her hips, steadying her on her stilettos.  Betsy didn't even notice. Though Nick definitely noticed what those heels were doing for her legs as he allowed his gaze to sweep along her form. 

 Her lips curled upwards. "You're joking."

"Not this time.  The fit out is done and the colour scheme is to your exact specifications." Nick replied, stepping closer and pulling her warm body into the safety of her arms. "All we need to decide is when we want to leave here and move in there."

Her face brightened as she allowed Nick pull her closer. "Is today too soon?"

Leaning forwards, Nick captured her lips in a brief kiss, smiling against her lips. "As much as I would love to, we have guests arriving. But, if it works for you, this weekend?"

"Sounds good to me." Betsy sighed and rested her cheek upon his chest. "I've made my peace with this house and everything that happened here. Still, this move feels right."

Nick nodded his head. "It does to me too."

He leaned down, his nose filling with the soft notes of her perfume as he brushed his lips over the exposed skin of her collarbone. Who knew that he was a collarbone man? Perhaps it was just her collarbones.

Betsy tilted her head to the side, her fingers clutching to the front of his suit jacket. Though he knew things would change over time, Nick was certain he would never get enough of this. The feel of her skin under his lips. The scent of her. The taste of her. His tongue teased the curve of her neck.

Nick, whose supreme control was always tested around Betsy, felt his body harden. He groaned. Closing his eyes, he stepped back and drew in a few deep breaths. Her hands on his suit prevented him from stepping too far away.

"We don't have time but, I promise you, we will finish this later."

"Promises," Betsy murmured, leaning forward and pressing a lingering kiss upon his lips. "I'll hold you to that."

Turning, she pressed her feet into a pair of low heels before rearranging an errant curl. At the same moment, the doorbell echoed through the house. Nick glanced at his wrist, the gleaming face of the Rolex staring back at him. Right on time.

"It can't be that time already. I still haven't done Delilah's hair."

Nick shook his head. "I asked Tina to come early as I want to have a catch up before our esteemed board members arrive. She need to meet them sooner or later. After all, if she takes over as director, she will be brushing shoulders with them all on a frequent basis."

"Please tell me you at least warned her."

"Of course. How cruel do you think I am?"

Tucking a curl behind her ear, he backed away. Then with shoulders back and his hands buried deep into his pockets, he hurried to meet the first of his guests.

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