Finding Betsy - Chapter 23

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"Everything okay?" Claire asked.

Turning her head, Betsy offered a smile. Her gaze dropped just as her sister ran her hand over her concealed bump. Her lips pressed together. She waited for the familiar gut wrenching wave of pain and jealousy. Only it didn't come.

Betsy blinked. It didn't come.

She released her breath with a relieved smile.

At the questioning glance from her sister, Betsy just shook her head, her lips curving upwards in the corner. "It's nothing."

"If you're sure?"

"I'm sure." Betsy turned her gaze back to the window. "Thank you for coming with me today."

"It's not a problem. Though I have to ask, if you hate these events so much, why are you even putting yourself through this?"

Betsy's fingers tightened around the handle on the car door.She swallowed past the dryness building within her mouth. "I agreed to be the public face of the charity." She replied evenly before forcing her fingers to release their hold. "Though a part of me hadn't expected them to take it to this extreme. I'm going to be spending more time schmoozing the wealthy and uninterested than actually making a difference to the kids that I wanted to help. It's a waste a time."

Claire reached over and laced their fingers together.

"It's not a waste of time. You may not be in the trenches, so to speak, but you are making a difference. By being in the public eye and shaking hands, you're raising awareness and much needed funds. You may not like it but it's the way it works."

Betsy's shoulders slumped before she sighed, "I know. I just wish it didn't have to be this way. It makes me feel like a fraud — like I'm nothing more than a puppet doing what I'm told."

"Betsy -."

She shook her head and squeezed Claire's hand before she could say anything further.

"Don't mind me. I'm just feeling sorry for myself." She said, offering a weak smile. "Nick's away and I'm just feeling off kilter."

"This isn't just about him being away though,is it?"

Betsy shook her head. "I can't even explain it."

"I thought your group was helping you."

"I haven't been going" She admitted, keeping her gaze averted. "After everything that happened before Christmas, I can't expose anyone else to the media attention. I chose this life but they didn't."

Claire huffed loudly, "Did you ask any of them? From what you've told me, you have become a friend and mentor to several people in that group. I'm sure they would prefer to be given the choice on whether they want to remain friends with you. Do I need to remind you that you were angry when other people made decisions on your behalf?"

Betsy flinched at the blow. She was right. Nick had tried to shield her from everything and it had only proved to sew in doubt where there had previously been none. Or at least, not enough to think about.

"Maybe so. But, on this occasion, I think it is my choice that counts. I couldn't live with myself if my actions resulted in someone else getting hurt."

"Betsy-." The car pulled to a stop before Claire could finish her sentence.

Peering through the window, Betsy felt a wistful sigh pass her lips. They were outside the latest in a long line of historic buildings hosting yet another exclusive charity dinner for the rich and famous.

The building was beautiful. Yet, in her gut, Betsy knew what was to come next would be anything but.

The flash of cameras lit up the interior of the town car over and over again. It was like staring into the blinding light of the sun. Turning away, Betsy blinked in an attempt to clear the spots now dancing across her vision.

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