Finding Betsy - Chapter 29

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It was more than she could ever have hoped for. 

They had done all of this for her first wedding, despite how much Claire had aired her concerns that they were moving too fast. The engagement parties. The presents. The bridal showers.

It had all been over- the-top, despite their meagre salaries at the time, but it had all still ended in disaster. 

After everything that had come before, Betsy had been so certain she didn't want to do it again. 

Still, with persistence, Claire had convinced her to have a party to celebrate their relationship. With the press taking away most of their precious moments, they deserved to have at least that.

 And what a party it was.

At Markos's insistence, they had taken over the grand ballroom in a prestigious period hotel in the heart of London. It had been derelict only three decades earlier but, under the ownership of the Giannopolous family, it had been lovingly restored. Now, it was a sought after venue that was often booked up years in advance.

Betsy could understand why. Party venues had never been top of her list of concerns but, if she had to choose, she could not have picked better. 

But, then again, they could have been anywhere. It was all about the company. 

If she hadn't capitulated to Claire's nagging, she would have missed all of this - and she didn't just mean the architecture.

Standing in a room with all of the people she cared about, Betsy's heart was full.  Sure, there were a few people in attendance she would rather not be here. Business invites. People Nick had to invite to keep the peace. Yet, there were enough of her friends and loved ones in attendance that they were a natural buffer.

Betsy's lips pulled into a grin as she watched her ex-father in law twirl her undeniably pregnant sister across the dance floor. He had a slight limp. Yet, she was relieved to see a healthier glow to his skin since the last visit. 

His grin was wide as they covered the floor in one jerky step after the next. She had missed this. The divorce had created a divide but it was so good to see her family together again. 

"What's that smile for future-Mrs Davenport?" Nick asked, as he playfully spun her under his arm. Then, with a light tug, he pulled her towards him.

Sadly, her co-ordination had not improved since their first meeting and she staggered into his chest. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. Only his strong arms around her waist kept her from tumbling onto the floor.

"I'm just thinking about how happy I am." Betsy replied breathlessly, her eyes drifting briefly to their friends swaying around them before her eyes returned to her fiancé. "I have you and the kids. I'm not sure how I came to be so lucky."

"Me too." The spicy scent of his cologne wrapped around Betsy as he leaned down and pressed their foreheads together. Then, holding her gaze, Nick leaned down and pressed a soft tender kiss to her lips. 

Their continued to sway across the floor for a few moments before he muttered, "You do realise that your sister is never going to let me live this down. She's already taking all of the credit for us finding each other."

Her shoulders shook as she chuckled. "She's not wrong. If she hadn't tricked me into coming to you, I'm not even sure where I would be now." Her fingers played absently with the hairs at the nape of his neck as they danced. "But I'm glad she did because I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else. Even with all of the craziness you seem to bring."

"I'll try not to be too put out about that."

Betsy sighed and rested her cheek on his chest as they swayed to the music. "I wish my mum and dad could be here." She whispered, her eyes watching Tommy and Delilah as they played games with the other children in attendance. "I think they would have liked you."

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