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(Third person POV)

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(Third person POV)

As Fred, George and Lee walked down the corridor they started a conversation about Fred and Y/n relationship.

"I think you should just tell Hannah flat out you don't like her." Lee suggested causing George to sigh. "No. Don't do that, instead-"

"I don't know what I'm doing yet, just give me some time." Fred told the two before walking off.

"Look what you did!" Lee told George, "Me?!" George replied.

The two walked in the hall arguing back and forth till Professor McGonagall came by again and told them to stop or 10 points from Gryffindor would be taken.


"So Y/n how'd it go with Fred?" Angelina asked. "It went well I guess, he said he had to think about it before anything happens." She replied.

"Well at least you know now that your at least considered." Angelina added. "Yea I guess."

"Hey guys." Angelina and Y/n looked up to see Cedric smiling at them. "Hey Ced." Y/n said standing up, "Mind if I hang out with you guys?Cho's doing something with her friend." He asked.

"Oh no not at all." Y/n said patting down the seat next to her, Cedric smiled and sat down.

"So Diggory, you and Chang?" Angelina asked, "well kinda. We've been talking since the beginning on this year-so about 3 and a half months." He explained. "I just hope she feels the same." He added.

"You sound like Y/n right now with all of the Fred-" Y/n quickly covered her mouth, "Fred what? What happened now?" The boy asked.

"Well we made up and we're on good terms now." You said, "not that's not all!" Angelina said pulling Y/n's hand off. "Tell me, I won't judge." Cedric told her.
Y/n sighed, "He did he's confused. On one hand he really likes me but he also doesn't want to hurt Hannah." She explained. Cedric nodded,

"Bullshit." He said.

"What's bullshit?" Angelina asked.

"Bullshit that he's confused-Hannah cheated on him how many times. If I were him I would've dumped Hannah, little spoiled bitch she is." He told us causing Angelina's eyes to go wide.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, I've never seen you get so-I don't know-"

"Upset?" Y/n asked.

"That's the word." She said standing up, "I'm gonna go Lee wanted me to meet him in the common room."

Y/n nodded and Angelina smiled before walking off. "Y/n if somethings wrong you can tell me or Adrian you know." Cedric told her. "I know, just I guess I'm scared to put my feelings out there again- I mean you heard about what happened the first time." She explained to him.

"If he doesn't end up returning the feelings and hurts you tell me and Adrian we'll put him in his place." He told her causing her to laugh. "I don't think Fred would like to get beat up very much." She replied. "Too bad my Adrian already made this deal." He said.

"You keep on talking about Adrian, when did you two become friends?" She asked. "Since Fred friend zoned you." He replied pulling out chocolate out of his bag. "Ooo can I have some?!" Y/n asked eagerly. Cedric chuckled and broke a part off for her. "Thanks." She said before taking a bite.

"Fred told me this was your favorite kind of chocolate so I thought I'd show off." He told her causing her to slap the back of his head. "Hey!" He said rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry- also you got any extra? My uncle loves chocolate." Y/n asked. "Yea I do and I'll keep that in mind if I'm ever failing DADA." He said handing her a bar.

"Thanks Ced, I'll see you later." She told him getting up, "Tomorrow, I got quidditch practice after tonight." He corrected. "It's November it's freezing." She said. "I know-but we need it." He replied.

"Whatever, bye Ced." She said again before walking off to find the others.

Y/n walked around for a good ten minutes till she found Fred and George, "Ah Miss.Black see you've finally found us." George joked.

"Why yes I have Mr.Weasley." She replied sitting down in the middle of them. George and Fred looked at each other before squishing Y/n between them, "Weasley sandwich!" They said at the same time causing Y/n to laugh.

"Alright-Alright that's enough I can't breath." She told them. They both pulled away and laughed. "I hate when you guys do that." She exclaimed. "Seven year old Y/n back?" George asked putting an arm around her making Fred frown.

Y/n pushed George's arm off her shoulders and grabbed a book in her bag causing Fred to smile.

He watched as she smiled softly at her book. She was a much different person then him, she wasn't as crazy-She was calm most of the time. Merlin she was beautiful he could stare at her all day if she let him.

"Freddie it's not nice to stare." She said not looking away from her book. George snickered at Fred's puzzled face.

"I wasn't staring!" Fred told them.

"Yea you were Weasley." Fred snapped his head to see Adrian walking by, "When'd you get here?" Fred asked causing Adrian to shrug.

"Anyways I wasn't staring just looking to see what she was reading." Fred lied.

"Uh-huh." George said making Fred glare at his twin.

"Anyways boys I must get going." Y/n said standing up, "I'll see you two in the common room. Bye Georgie, Bye Freddie." She told them before walking away.

"Your head over heels for that girl." George told Fred.

"Am not!" Fred exclaimed.

"I smell lies Freddie boy." George mocked before walking off leaving Fred all alone on the bench.

The rest of the day Fred couldn't stop thinking about Y/n. The way her e/c eyes sparkled when she talked about something she was interested in- or when she laughed at something he said.
Oh how much he loved her laugh, it was contagious.

"Whatcha thinking about Freddie?" He looked to see Hannah in front of him. "Oh-Hannah. How nice to see you, I was just thinking about this summer." He lied. She nodded and sat down next to him, "I'm glad we got back together, I promise I won't make another mistake." She told him.

"I have a hard time believing that." He murmured.

"Come again?" She asked. "Nothing." He replied making her smile, "I'll see you later Freddie." She told him.

For some reason he didn't like when Hannah called him 'Freddie' it didn't sound right. But when it was Y/n saying it.. it was a whole different story, he loved when she called him by his first name and not by his last.

The boy sighed and stood up, "This girl is driving me crazy." He said under his breath.

Sorry for the short chapter! I've been busy with school work that needs to be done:(

Hoping that the next chapter will be longer!

Question: Top Three Fictional worlds?

My answer:
2.Star Wars

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