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I woke up on Sage's shoulder, we must have slept through the night. I tilted my head and looked at him. He was still sleeping, a small tear streak down his face. Something wasn't right. I sat up and sighed before walking into the kitchen. My uncle and father must have gone to bed, "what are you doing up?" I turned and saw Sage. His hands rubbing his eyes, "Not sure. Sorry to wake you." I replied. He yawned and pushed his dark curls out of his face. "Do you have any extra toothbrushes?" He asked. "Let me check." I grabbed him one from the cabinet and gave it to him, "The toothpaste should be in the left cabinet." He nodded and went to the bathroom. I went up to my room and cleaned myself up.

When I came down stairs I saw my uncle, my father and Sage at the table. "Good morning." I told them, my uncle smiled and my father ignored me. His eyes narrowed at Sage. "Sirius," my uncle blurted, "Leave the boy alone, he looks like he had a rough night." My dad bit his lip and rubbed his jaw. "Sage, may I talk to you for a moment?" My uncle asked. Sage nodded and followed my uncle into the living room.

I sat across from my dad and looked at him. "Well," he said, "are you two dating?" He asked. I shrugged, "I'm not sure, we're just thinking right now I guess." I answered. He nodded. "So for no other reason?" I sighed, "I-I just don't know if I'm ready for another relationship." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Why not dear?" I chuckled, "You know why." He widened his eyes, "Oh," I nodded. "Darling I don't think Sage would ever do that to you." He told me, "He's a nice boy." I smiled. "You're right."

My uncle then came back into the kitchen, Sage by his side. "So?" My dad asked, "He's in." My uncle said, "The order?" I asked. "Yes Y/n, what else?" My father asked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and looked at Sage. He was smiling, "What?" I asked. "Nothing."

"You two best get dressed. The rest of the order is coming over." My uncle told me and Sage. "Sir I don't-" My father interrupted Sage. "You can borrow some of my old clothes. I'll go get them for you." Sage nodded, "Thank you Sir." My dad stood up, "No need to call me sir, it's Sirius." My father told Sage before walking up stairs. I saw Sage smile to himself. I elbowed him, "I think he's starting to take a liking to you." Sage chuckled. "I hope I mean I'm your boyfriend- wait I-" I bit my lip. I saw my uncle smirk, "I didn't mean to-" I shook my head. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. I turned to my uncle and he waved us off.

Sage brought me into the living room. He stared at me, "Damn it, I just don't understand why this is so hard," he rubbed the back of his neck. "Y/n-would you maybe wanna go on a date?" He asked. I smiled, "Maybe," I said. His face dropped, "What the hell Black?" He said with a small chuckle. "We've kissed so many times and still no chance on a date?" I smirked, "I guess. Maybe one date won't hurt." He looked me up and down before smirking. He stared at me then grabbed my cheek, pulling me close to him. "Will you kiss me already?" He asked quietly, I smiled and pulled his lips to mine. I felt him smile into the kiss.

Sage's hand went down my back. "Watch your hands Montgomery." My father said coming down the stairs. Sages rubbed his jaw, "Here. I thought these fit you." My father said giving Sage a pile of clothes. "These alright?" He asked, Sage nodded and headed off to the bathroom to change. "Still friends or?" I shoved my father, making him laugh. "I mean really. You two were getting into that kiss, and you are still 'friends' oh come on!" I rolled my eyes. "He asked me on a date. Maybe we won't be 'just friends' after that." I told him. My father raised a eyebrow, "Remus,"

Since Sage was changing I figured I would too. I changed into jeans, a white T-shirt, and a brown jacket over it. "Do you know where my shoes are?" I called down to my uncle. "They should be in your trunk!" He answered. I grabbed the shoes and headed down stairs. At the bottom of the stairs I saw the Weasleys. "Oh, hello." I said. Molly smiled at me then at my uncle. Everyone went off and started a conversation. I walked to the bottom of the stairs and leaned against a door frame, waiting for Sage.

"Hey Y/n," I looked to my left and saw Fred and George. "Hello Boys." I said. Fred stared at me until George elbowed him. "Ready?" I turned and saw Sage coming from behind them. "Holy shit. What'd my dad do to you?" I asked him. He was wearing jeans, a long sleeve gray shirt and a leather jacket. Sage smiled, "I kinda like it, don't you?" He asked. "I do." George said, making Fred roll his eyes. "I love it." I told him, he smiled and put an arm around me. Fred put his hands in his pockets, "Someone's jealous." George said sarcastically, poking at Fred. "George?" Fred asked, "Shut up." George laughed and walked over to Ginny. "Well uh-you two enjoy whatever you're doing." Fred said, he gave me a small smile then left.

"Shall we go, M'lady?"

"Yes. Yes we shall."


Sorry this chapter took forever to write:( It's decent, sorry.


Question: Favorite song at the moment?

My answer: last Christmas by Wham! 😐 don't ask, I'm obsessed with it at the moment

(Make sure to eat something and get something to drink!!) 💕💕

Falling Harder- Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now