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Y/n POV:

I woke up next to Adrian, he was still asleep. I got up and grabbed a blanket, draping it over him before I left back to the Gryffindor common room.

I left quickly and started my way back. "Y/n, what are you doing out so early?" I turned to my left and saw Sage. "I was-" he shook his head, "It's alright. You wanna talk?" He asked, coming over. I shook my head, he sighed and wrapped an arm around me. "Look, I know I've only known you for about a week or so, but I can tell how much you cared about that boy. If you need someone, I'm here, always." He told me. I smiled a little, "Thank you." He smiled and let go of me.


After I went back to the Gryffindor common room we were told to go back down stairs for an announcement. "What do you think it's for?" Sage asked, "Cedric." I replied, "Oh."
We walked in and saw everyone sitting down, the lights were dimmed and Dumbledore was in the front getting ready to speak. Me and Sage found a seat next to each other and sat down, I sighed and rubbed my hands up and down my legs. "Are you sure you're alright?" He asked concerningly, looking at me. "Yea, I'm fine." I said, trying to convince him I actually was. He looked at me sadly and took his attention to the front.

"As you may know, a couple of days ago we lost a fellow student. Cedric Diggoy. A boy who had a kind heart. A boy who should be here with us today," he gestured to the Hufflepuff area. "Some of you may have been very good friends with the boy, Mr Pucey and Ms Black I know we're very important to Mr Diggory," some eyes turned to me and Adrian. "We all here understand Cedric did not deserve what happened to him, for that I'd like you all to stand up and raise a glass for the boy." Dumbledore finally said. I stood and looked around the room, only me, Adrian and Harry were standing, McGonagall frowned at the crowd. Not even Cedric's friends stood up.

But suddenly a few seats shuffled and some people stood up. Fred and Sage. "Thank you," I whispered to Sage, he hummed in response. Dumbledore's voice boomed, ordering people to stand up. For once I was happy with Dumbledore, a rare thing. People quickly stood up. "I can't believe this," I turned around and saw Harry, "Harry." I exclaimed, giving him a hug. "None of them stood, not one." He whispered. "Selfish really." He added.

When the time was done me and Sage walked out and started heading to the courtyard to sit. "That was rough." Sage said, sighing, "Yep." I said. "I'm really sorry." He said, "Don't be." I told him. He looked at me and put his hand on my knee, "Remember you can always talk to me if you need to talk." He added. I nodded and smiled slightly.

"Y/n," I turned away form Sage and saw Fred. Fred came over to us and looked at the two of us. "Sorry." Sage said, trying to step away, "Oh no, your fine, I just wanted to ask her something." Fred told him with a smile. I thought he didn't like Sage? I guess he does now, that good enough for me, I didn't need them fighting for no reason.

"Do you think you can meet me by the black lake tonight?" He asked, "Sure Freddie, why?" I then quickly realized I called him Freddie instead of Fred, he smiled. "I didn't mean to call you that, sorry." He smirked, "Don't apologize," he told me. "Are you gonna come though?" I nodded, "Sure."

Fred smiled and thanked me before walking off. I turned back to Sage and realized he wasn't paying attention at all, "Sage?" I asked. "Oh, sorry." He quickly said, I chuckled and smiled. "What?" He asked, "Nothing, just keep doing you." I told him. "Oh, ok." He said with a smile.

Time skip

"Are you really meeting him?" Angelina asked, her hands on her hips. "He probably just wants to talk, don't worry, Angelina." I told her. She sighed, "If he tries something you better tell me." She adds, "I will, don't worry." I relied. She crossed her arms, "What time are you meeting him?" She asked, "He said around eight, but I'll probably be late so I should go now." I answered. "Twenty minutes early?" She asked, I shrugged, "Why not?"

I soon left and started making my way to the black lake. When I got there I saw Sage. Weird. "What  are you doing here?" I asked with a small chuckle as I walked down to him. He turned to me, "I thought I'd come down and get some air," he replied, "Come. Sit." He gestured me over with his hand and I sat down next to him. He smiled and looked up at the sky, "Beautiful isn't it?" He asked, "Definitely." I replied. He sighed, "I used to do this all the time when I was younger, I would come out and paint. I loved it." I looked at him. "How come you stopped?" I asked, "Didn't have the motivation, I guess." He told me. "Motivation for looking at the sky? Or painting?" I asked again, he chuckled. "Painting," he replied. "I used to paint for my aunt. And I was pretty damn good at doing it." He explained, he then sighed. "I stopped because she was killed, my parents didn't really like my dream of becoming a artist. But my aunt, she really cared, she wanted me to keep going on with this dream. But I stopped, I haven't painted and drawn in three years." He told me again.

"Oh," I said, "I'm sorry, Sage." I said. This seemed really important to him, I felt bad.

He sighed and I looked at him, he had a tear going down his cheek, I sat closer to him and hugged him, he put his head on my shoulder. "Sage?" I asked, he looked up, "You should keep painting." I told him, "Why?" He asked. "For your aunt, she'd want your too, you know that." I told him. He bit the inside of his cheek, "My parents," he started, "They don't want me to. They think it's just some silly dream, they want me in the ministry working. I just want them to be proud of me, you know?"

Deja Vu. When I was thinking of my family, 'I just people to be proud of me'

"Sage. I promise you, you need to keep doing it," I started. "And you know. If they are not proud of you, I know I am, I know your aunt would be." I told him. He smiled a bit and looked up, "You know what? You're right." He said with a smile. I smiled back and he looked at me, "thank you." I nodded and we both fell onto our backs.

"You know Y/n?" He said, turning to me, propping himself up on his arm.  "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He said looking at me, he put a hand on my cheek and pulled me in. His lips touching mine, he then pulled away looking at me. "I'm sorry, I-" I shook my head, "No, it's alright, I liked it." I told him. He smiled and kissed me again.

Fred POV

I was making my way to the black lake when I saw two people in the grass, kissing. There was a boy with dark hair and a girl with y/h/c. Is that Y/n? No, it couldn't be, she's usually late when it comes to these things. "Excuse me," I said to them. They turned around, "Y/n?" I asked, the girl looked up, it was her. She looked at me then at Sage. Of course, I should've known she moved on. "Fred," Sage started, "No. it's okay, enjoy your time, I'll meet with her another time." I said putting a fake smile.

She likes another boy, and that boy isn't me.

This chapter was kinda bad, sorry:/

Question: top three fictional characters?

My answer:

1.Neil Perry
2.Remus Lupin
3.Finnick Odair

(There all dead😀)

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