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Me and Angelina ended up taking the whole day off and skipping our classes. My uncle wouldn't be happy but who cares, we gotta live a little. "That was so much fun." Angelina said, falling backwards on her bed. I chuckled, "We definitely have to do that again." She nodded in agreement and kept smiling. "So what are we gonna do about detention?" She asked suddenly, sitting up. I shrugged, "Not sure. Snape will probably stay in the classroom to make sure we don't leave." I answered. She rolled her eyes, "Great."

"We'll think of something sooner or later. Wanna go down?" I asked, "sure." She replied. We both went down to the common room, "Holy shit." Angelina murmured. In front of us George and Fred were arguing, "Let's go." Angelina told me, grabbing my forearm. Fred looked at me quickly then back at a very upset George.

"Wonder what happened." Angelina started. "I don't remember them fighting over anything earlier." I added. "Weird, let's ask Lee." She said, as we got to the Gryffindor table. "Hey ladies." Lee said happily. "Hey Lee, quick question." I said, "Shoot." He said with a smile. "Why are George and Fred mad at each other?" Asked. Lee bit the inside of his cheek and sighed. "Fred's upset that George is still hanging around Y/n since it's his ex. And George started getting mad at him saying all sorts of things like, 'Your the one that cheated.' And 'She's still my friend like it or not'. I'm not sure how much longer it's gonna go on." He explained.

"I'm on George's side."

We turned to see Ron, Harry and Hermione. "All of you?" Lee asked, the three nodded in response. "Wow." Angelina mumbled, "Just when I thought I couldn't like you lit any more." Angelina told them. Hermione smiled and started asking her questions, while Ron and Harry's attention went up to the front. "What's going on now?" I asked, "The names for the tournament are gonna be chosen tonight." Lee replied. I bit my lip, part of me wanted Cedric to get it, and part of me didn't. I tried to be supportive, but it's hard knowing people die in these things. I didn't want to lose one of my best friends.

Lee patted my shoulder, "Stop worrying." He said with a smile. I smiled back, I was glad to have a friend like Lee. My uncle was happy I was friends with him, Angelina had found a great person. I remember Lee telling me when we left Hogwarts he wanted to marry Angelina, this was only in fifth year, but I remember I was so happy. Me, George and Fred wanted them to get married, even though we graduate next year.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Dumbledore started to announce that the names were going to be chosen. "Victor Krum!" He announced, Victor stood up with a smug smile and walked up to the front. Everybody was clapping loudly, mainly the girls.
The clapping died down and another piece of paper popped out of the goblet. "Fleur Delacour!" I smiled brightly and clapped for her, she seemed very nice, she didn't deserve all of the girls from Hogwarts hating on her. If they were jealous, which they were, they needed to hide it better. It was clear how jealous they were of her.

I watched as her blonde hair swayed back and forth as she walked up to the front. Girls were glaring at her, Angelina was smiling though. It seemed as if us two were some of the only ones, besides her school. Her head master looked very pleased, and her little sister was beaming with joy. I then realized I was the only one still clapping when I saw Fleur smile at me, I smiled back and lowered my head in embarrassment. Once the awkwardness was over, another named popped up.

"Cedric Diggory!"

My head shot back up in surprise. He actually was chosen. I looked over the the Hufflepuff table and saw Cedric beaming as his friends patted him on the back, before he walked up to the front. I sighed then looked at the Slytherin table. Adrian. He looked scared, scared of his thoughts, of what might happen to Cedric during the challenges. He made eye contact with me, 'Wanna talk later?' I mouthed. He sighed and shrugged. I felt bad for him. Cedric could be killed in this, which would leave Adrian heart broken.

Adrians friends seemed to notice he was sad, they looked confused. He hasn't told them I thought. I don't think he was embarrassed of Cedric, just scared of what his friends think.

I drew my attention back to the front, Victor was smiling proudly, Fleur and Cedric were beaming. "Now, these are our Three champions-" But I guess it wasn't. Another piece of paper popped up, Dumbledore and the teachers all looked confused. I turned to Angelina, "What's going on?" She asked. "I thought there was only supposed to be three." Lee added. I shrugged in confusion and watched to see what was gonna happen. The whole great hall was silent.

"H-Harry Potter." Dumbledore said. "Harry Potter!" He said again but louder. I turned to Harry, "You put your name in!" Hermione asked. Harry looked shocked and shook his head, Ron looked upset and put his head in his arms. "What do I do?" He asked coming up to me. "Not sure. Just go up there, it's probably just a mistake or something." I replied. He bit his lip, I nodded and he walked up. And then Anaheim the whole great hall was silent.

"Told me he wouldn't try." Ron started. George pushed his shoulder, I didn't even notice he came back. "Shut it, you know Harry's Oi don't do that. He's already got enough with You-know-who after him." George explained.
Ron scoffed and ignored George. Just a second ago him and Harry were smiling and talking about how exciting with tournament was gonna be, but now Ron's mad at him, for something he didn't even do!

McGonagall made the great hall clear out and go back to the common rooms. The whole way the corridors were filled with students conversations.  People taking about how it wasn't fair Harry got into the tournament or how they think it was rigged.

"I can't believe some people actually believe Harry put his name in!" I exclaimed, "he's only fourteen. A fourteen year old boy, why would he want to do something so dangerous?" Angelina shook her head. "I don't know, but I hope he doesn't have to be in it, and I hope they find out who did it." I nodded in agreement as finally got to the Gryffindor towers.

Fred was on the couch, he looked like he was in a deep thought. So me and Angelina quietly tried to go around him. "Y/n."

I turned around, Fred's eyes were red, he had been crying. "Come on Y/n." Angelina told me, "you go, I'm gonna see what's wrong." I told her quietly. "Y/n he hurt you!" She whisper yelled, "It'll be fine." I reassured. She bit her lip and then agreed, "Alright. But if he tries anything, yell." She said with a smirk. I chuckled and walked over Fred, sitting down next to him.

"I'm sorry, Y/n."

It's Remus's birthday!
Happy birthday Remu😫

Falling Harder- Fred Weasley Where stories live. Discover now