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(A couple months later)
After the kiss it was kinda awkward to be around each other. Y/n and Fred decided that it was best to keep it a secret from their friends. The only person they told was Adrian since he was the one helping them get together.

They did end up going on a few Hogsmade dates

Fred ended up leaving Hannah which wasn't a problem since Hannah was now dating some Hufflepuff boy. That meant Fred and Hannah weren't gonna spend the summer together, it made Y/n less worried about Fred losing feelings.

"You two have seemed quite weird these past weeks-is there something bothering you two?" Angelina asked. Y/n and Fred both shook their heads and looked at each other before looking away. "Did something happen that we don't know about?" they both once again shook their heads causing Angelina to look at Lee and George in disbelief. "Whatever just know we'll find out one way or another." Lee told us.

"Fine, meandY/nkissedacouplemonthsago." Fred said quickly. "Come again Freddie?" George asked. "Me and Y/n kissed a couple months ago." He stated. The three smiled brightly, "I knew it, I knew it, George you owe me three sickles!" Lee exclaimed throwing his hands in the air. "So are you guys dating?" Angelina asked making Fred choke on his chicken, "Not right now, we're taking it slow." He replied. "See Lee I don't owe you three sickles, the deal was if they started dating by the end of the year." George said to Lee making Lee frown.

"Hey I still got two more months." Lee mumbled, "yea yea whatever;" George replied.

As the two of them were arguing Y/n looked over at Fred to see he was already looking at her. He wrapped an arm around her and smiled at her, "Fred and Y/n?" They both looked up to see Ron with Harry and Hermione behind him. Y/n felt heat rise up to her cheeks, "Y/n dears blushing." George said making Fred give him a glare for calling her 'dear'. "Don't worry Freddie I'm not taking her, unless-"

"Oh shut it." Angelina told George. "Are you two a thing?" Ron asked again, "Hope so." Mumbled Fred. George and Lee gave him a smirk. "Come again Fred?" Lee asked, Fred rolled his eyes. "Y/n come with me for a sec." Fred said grabbing Y/n's hand leading her to the corridor outside the great hall.

"What's wrong Freddie?" She asked. Fred sighed and grabbed something from his pocket, "a promise ring?" Y/n asked. Fred nodded before slipping it on her finger. "Y/n Black, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked. Y/n smiled brightly before hugging him, he spun her around. "I take that as a yes?" He asked, "Of course now shut up." She said cupping his cheek and kissing him. Her hands slid down to his neck and his went to her cheek. "Reckon we tell the others?" Fred asked.

"No need to."

The two turned to see Angelina, Lee and George at the entrance of the hall smirking. "Pay up George, my babies have grown." Lee said sticking his hand out, making George groan and put the sickles in the boys hand. Angelina shoved Lee out of the way and walked to Fred and Y/n, "Finally had the balls to ask her Fred?" She asked making Y/n chuckle. Fred stuck his tongue out at her making her do the same. "I'll see you two later, you probably wanna go snog." Angelina said before walking towards the arguing boys.

Y/n and Fred walked back into the great hall.

When they sat down they saw Adrian looking at them and giving them a thumbs up just like how he did when Fred took Y/n to hogsmade.
Suddenly Y/n felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned to see her uncle. "Uncle Remus?" She asked. "Follow me." He said pulling her out of her seat and bringing her to his office.

"Something wrong?" She asked. "No of course not, I need to tell you something." He replied.
I gave him a confused look he sitting down, "I not sure if you knew but I'm a werewolf. I always have been. Every full moon I'm gone and I go to the whomping willow, I need to make sure you and your friends don't think of going there. Ever." He explained. "Of course, I'd be stupid to take them their. I don't want anyone getting hurt. Except it would be nice to see Snape-"

"Ok ok, no Snape.He already hates my guts and your fathers." He sod cutting her off.

"Maybe you should tell him that's the feeling mutual." She said crossing her arms.

"Your so much like your father." He told her.

"I try." She said standing up. "Now if you must, I best get going to class." She said grabbing her bag.

"I heard about you and Fred." He said as she was walking to the door. She turned and smiled, "don't tell dad?"

"Promise, but he'll find out somehow." He replied smiling back at her.

Sorry for the really short chapter! I took the book off hold since I have the next few chapters ready just being edited.

We are also getting towards the end of fifth year, I'm probably gonna continue the book till their last year. (Order of the Phoenix)

Question: What Character do you hate that people like?

My answer: Bellatrix, I don't understand why everyone likes her. I love Helena as a actor I just don't like the character.

(Better not see any Lavender, Cho, Angelina hate in the comments. Their queen's)

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