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Y/n POV:

-Time skip to the day of second task-

"Harry are you feeling alright?" Hermione asked, Harry was sitting across from us looking down at the table. "Yea you don't look too well." He rubbed his head, "I'm fine really, just didn't get enough sleep." Me and Hermione looked at each other before she walked off. "Are you sure Harry?" I asked, "I'm fine, really." I nodded and left the library, heading to the courtyard. While walking I saw Neville reading a book, "Hey Neville." I said happily, "Oh, Hel-Hello Y/n." He said closing the book.

"Are you ready for the second task?" I asked, "Yea. I'm supposed to be helping Harry, but he seemed to not want the help." He replied. "Oh, well come on." I said. He gave me a confused look but soon stood up and followed me. "What if he doesn't want me there, he didn't like when I came last time." Neville started. "Harry a drama Queen, if he doesn't want you there so be it, he can lose the task." I told him, opening the door for him to go inside, he thanked me and walked to the table Harry was at. "Neville?" Harry asked, "He's helping you," I started, "Whether you like it or not." Harry gave Neville an awkward smile then gave me a look. Neville started telling Harry a bunch of different things to use that might've helped him.

I smiled at how interested Neville was in plants, Harry on the other hand seemed half dead. "Alright boys, seems you guys have started. I'll be on my way." I said putting my hands behind my back, slowly walking out of the aisle. Neville stopped reading and smiled, while Harry looked at me then at Neville. Once Neville went back to reading Harry looked at me and put his middle finger up, "Mr.Potter!" McGonagall yelled, coming into the library. That was my que to leave, I snickered and watched as McGonagall made her way over to Harry, yelling about how 'Inappropriate his actions were.'


It was now time for the second task, Harry, Ron, Hermione,Cedric,Adrian were all gone. I must have looked around at least three times, but still they were nowhere in sight. "Fred have you seen Harry?" I asked, Fred turned around and smiled, but then quickly dropped it. "No I haven't, is there something wrong?" I shook my head. "I doubt, I just can't find them." I answered. "McGonagall took him, along with Hermione, Ron, Cedric and Adrian." Lee told me. "Thanks Lee, you're the best." I said. "Hey!" Fred exclaimed, "Really? Think about what you've done in the past couple months." I told him. Lee covered his mouth trying not to laugh as I walked away.


I was currently walking with Angelina as we made our way to the second task. "I'm worried, what if they're not here?" Angelina and I sat down, "I'm sure they'll be here," she told me. "Oh look! There they are!" She exclaimed, I looked up over the crowd and saw Harry, Cedric, Krum and Fleur. "Great. Wait where are Ron,Hermione and Adrian?" I asked, Angelina shrugged and looked around. "Maybe they didn't see the time." She said, "Maybe."

We watched as Dumbledore explained the task, we finally figured out where the rest were. "That must mean Ron is Harry's, Adrian is definitely Cedrics, and Hermione is Krums?" Angelina quickly said. "Hopefully," I replied. "Who's Fleurs?" Angelina asked me, "Not sure." I replied shrugging. She smiled as they got ready to start, we watched as they dove into the water. "Hello Ladies."
We turned around and saw Lee and Fred coming up behind us, "Where are they at?" Lee asked, sitting down next to Angelina. "They already started, I told you." Fred told him. "Sorry." Lee mocked, Angelina snickered.
Suddenly Fleur came up, but where was her person?

Then Krum came up holding Hermione, "Holy shit!" Fred exclaimed. "Mr.Weasley." McGonagall warned from behind us, didn't even notice her there. They wrapped towels around Hermione as sudden splashes came up, "Look it's Cedric!" Someone from behind shouted, "With Pucey?"
There was Cedric sitting on the doc, wrapping Adrian in a towel along with his arms around him. "What about Harry?" Angelina whispered, "He should be coming up." I said, trying not to sound worried.


We all watched seeing Ron come up from the water, "He did it!" I exclaimed, "Wait where's Harry?" Fred asked. "There!" Angelina exclaimed pointing to the swimming bodies coming to the doc. "Is that Fleur's sister?" Lee asked, "Holy shit, you cousin saved not one but two people." Fred said not taking his eyes off his brother.

Time skip and Harry POV

"Hey chosen one." Y/n said hopping onto the couch next to me. I rolled my eyes, "What's wrong?" She asked, "I didn't do-"
"You did great!" She exclaimed, "Harry you saved two people, not one but two!" I smiled a bit. "Here." She said, handing me a piece of chocolate. I thanked her and took a bite, "So uh, are you and Fred friends again?" I asked, she sighed. I shouldn't have asked, "Kind of, I guess." She said. I nodded and took another bite, "Anyways. You want me to help you prepare for the third task?" She asked, I chuckled. "I just finished the second one, already moving onto the next?" She shrugged, "Well Yea that's kind of how this thing works." She said. We both looked at each other before bursting out in laughter, man was she funny. "Oh and I found this," she looked in her pocket and pulled out a picture.

"McGonagall gave it to me, she asked me to give it to you." She told me. "What is it?" I asked, she unfolded the picture and gave it to me. "My parents.." I trailed off, looking at the photo. I stared at it for a while until I saw Y/n smiled at me. "I'm gonna go up." She said wiping her eyes. "Were you crying?" I asked, "No," she said with a small smile. "Maybe. Just I feel bad, you never got to grow up with them, I'm sorry." She explained. She patted my knee, "I'm proud of you alright." She stood up, wiping her tears once again before walking towards the stairs, "I love you Harry, alright, I'm proud of you." She told me once more before going up. I smiled and looked at the photo, Y/n was like my older sister. 'I'm proud of you.' No ones ever told me that before. I wiped my eyes and looked at the picture, my parents, the only thing missing was me.

Thank you for reading!!
Also I'm scared to write the third task😐 But I'll try to get it out soon:)

Question: Favorite song currently

My answer: : Somebody to love-Queen (This song has been stuck in my head for like a week)

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