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'The road that leads to destruction, they say, is relatively wide'

I pace across the hospital hallway aimlessly, anxiety was gradually sucking the very air out of my lungs. It has been an hour plus since they took Lauren into the ICU yet no news of any development, no one is talking to me about what's going on either, I tried to encourage myself but it wasn't working.

A nurse burst out of the ICU, I rush towards her but she only shakes her head to all my questions before rushing off. I sink into the empty seat behind me as I try to calm my nerves, I pray she doesn't lose the pregnancy.

My phone blared out in the hallway, I reach for it and answer almost immediately.

"Hello Jackie"

"How is she?"

"I don't know, no news yet" I rub my forehead and look down, this was taking a toll on me.

"She will be fine, Nick, It might not be anything serious, light bleeding do occur in the first to second trimester"

"I strongly do want to believe you but the doctor is making me think otherwise" I sighed looking up at the door to the ICU.

"Why is that?"

"Nobody is saying anything to me. They have been in that damn room for damn one hour or so" I yell out in frustration.

"Just relax, she is fine. I will be with you soon, okay?"

"No" I shook my head as though she can see me, "You need to take care of yourself too, I promise to be calm" I try to sound convincing which I terribly failed to achieve.

"How did it go with mom?" I asked changing the topic to at least make her stay back.

I hear her let out a deep sigh and then sound of something dropping noisily in the background ring into my eardrum, "I guess it will take a while for her to come around to the fact that I'm pregnant, give me a second to pick this annoying plate that has decided to fall out of my hands for the third time in a space of one minute"

I chuckle lightly and waited till I hear her breathing heavily, "You okay?"

"No one told me being pregnant was so exhausting and clumsy"

"Welcome to motherhood, sis" I smile as I imagine her glaring at me

"I pray you to be a woman in your next life"

"Not happening, I still love my form" I was glad she managed to drag my mind off the worries in front of me for a while.

"Give mom sometimes, you know how she can be. In all of it; she does love you and she's a bit overwhelmed with the revelation" I said trying to cheer her up.

She scoffs at my words, "She asked me to never come back to her house, I know she has every right to be mad at me but she is taking it too far. I am done begging her, I'm not the first to get pregnant out of wedlock; I didn't commit murder for God sake" She said with a raised voice.

I lean back on the chair and listen to Jackie fumed out her disappointment. My mother is a type of woman who loves her children to follow a particular pattern of life and once any of us divert from it, she takes it much more than disobedience; she'd see it as being betrayed.

"The person who needs to be calmer now is you" I manage to crack a light laugh, I heard her hissed and cursed under her breath some words I barely hear.

I saw a familiar doctor coming out of the ICU taking off his hand glove and was walking towards my direction. I told Jackie I'd call her back before ending the call and spring to my feet.

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