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'Some people will learn to appreciate you by losing you'


I pull Lauren outside to where her car was. She struggle to break free from my hold which I clearly wasn't ready to grant her freedom.

"I hate you" Lauren mutter under her breath wriggling in my grip.

I let go of her once I'm sure there is no way of her running back inside to continue with the havoc she had manage create with her actions.

"I hate you, Nick Walter! I regret the day I met you" She yell out panting heavily hitting my chest furiously.

"You didn't meant that" I step close to her holding both her hands to stop her from further assaulting me with blows.

She push me away roughly.

"You disgust me. Everything about you disgust me! I curse the day I set eyes on you"

I swallow hard assuring myself with the fact that she probably said those words out of anger.

"Why do you keep humiliating me this way?" I asks shoving my hands into my jeans pocket stepping away from her. She can decide to pick the stone beside her and smash it on my head from the velocity of her anger.

"Humiliating?" She glare at me for a second "You call this humiliation? You haven't seen anything yet. After all my warnings for you to stay away from that shameless prostitute, you still had the gut and boldness to go around town with her, Nick my words no longer mean anything to you. Right?"

"For God sake, Lauren! She is my best friend, more like a sister. You don't expect me to cut her off from my life because I'm married to you?"

"You have a choice now! It's either me or her, who will it be?" She asked dropping her hands on her waist.

"What?" I look at her like she just grow additional head to the one hanging on her shoulder.

"You have a second, Nick. Make your choice carefully"

I'm probably not hearing her well. Lauren has suddenly lost her mind if she think I will allow myself to be push into deciding who I should be with, She can't detest who I'm suppose to hang out with while she get to be with anyone she deem fit.

"You can't ask me to do that" I breathe out.

"I thought as much" She let out a scornful laugh before turning on her heels towards her car.

"Lauren! Lauren wait! Lauren!" I call after her jogging to catch up with her speeding steps.

She stop in front of her car and whirls around "You made your choice already, Nick"

 She open the car and get in slamming the door on my face which is bend over the door. I knock gently on the glass beckoning on her to wind down, instead she turn on the ignition and speed off without notifying me almost stepping the tyres on my legs, I jump immediately to avoid being run over by her.

On a careful second moment of analyzing, I guess she did run over my left foot cause I instantly felt severe pains on it that makes me leap backward supporting my weight on the nearby car for a while.

 With a long stare at her car which is now fading into the busy road of Lagos, I cover my face with my hands inhaling any fresh air that get trap in my nostrils to ease my tension.

I am the only son of my parent, getting kill as a result of Lauren's temper will send my parent to their untimely grave as well. Something has to be done real fast, maybe we need to see a therapist.

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