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'It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good'


Descending the stairs with a pronounced uneasiness on my chest, my legs seem to move faster than the rest of my body with each heavy steps. Series of unpleasant events kept playing out in my head as I try hard not to imagine them but it was useless as my being seems to drown in them.

What could be the worse scenery? Kidnapped? Domestic accident? Or minor slip? What about a major fall? I shook my head in hope of getting rid of the ridiculous ideas clouding my mind. It could be nothing, I answered myself still inspecting every corner I appear into. I inwardly try to convince myself that the pathetic sound engulfing me was in my head.

Perhaps, they were right about keeping your mind clear of horror movies before bedtime to avoid jerking out of sleep due to nightmares, my predicament currently. Flipping on the light with the hope of finding a figure on the couch but then my hope diminished and escalated the dreadful thoughts I'd been thinking ever since I woke up. I've searched practically every space possible only to find no soul in the building. Where could Lauren be? I didn't enjoy the rate my heart was palpitating.

For the past four days, I've been feeling some funny sensation and little thing scare me out of my skin, not to mention the way my heartbeat; it's faster than a normal human heart should beat.

My head snap to the door when I heard a car engine kicked to live and some faint voices outside. Who could it be at this ungodly time of the night? I glance at the wall clock which struck a few minutes past midnight then back to the door with a creased expression. One can never tell when evil is looming around, waiting for a slight mistake to strike a blow.

My phone didn't depart from my hand just in case there's a need for an emergency.

I did a full weight swing around and narrow a piercing stare at the blank door for some minutes debating with myself on the idea of stepping out to capture the criminal or staying indoor to await whoever it is to break in. What if it's an assassin behind the close door? Okay, that's the movie side of me popping out. I sigh and tiptoe to pick up a bat behind the bar area, I just might break someone skull this night.

The colliding tyres on the marble road send an angry screeching sound into the dark quiet neighbourhood that has gone silent as a graveyard, I'm certain that sound could have woken quite a good number of people from their sleep. I move closer to the window to get a glimpse of what's happening, I slightly pull down a bit of the window drape to reveal a figure jogging towards the driveway. It was hard to see through the darkness but I could certainly make out who it was. At this point, I was more worry about her safety than her reasons of been out in the cold mid-night jogging around. Who in their right frame of mind would love to jog at this time? 

My eyes caught a familiar vehicle which increases my anxiety, the curiosity in my head blows off a warning alarm that immediately spun my attention to the door kicking it open with unintended force. It was too late as the vehicle move with agility out of sight.

I was more confused than ever holding unto the doorknob in one hand and firmly to the bat in the other hand.

My gaze return to a panting Lauren, she seems out of breathing when she came to a halt in front of me.

"What are you doing with that?" She eyed the bat in my hand.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" I asked instead ignoring her curiosity as I survey the surrounding and the route the car went before helping her onto the pavement.

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