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My circle of friends seems to be clothed in secret...


We sat impatiently awaiting the judge's final pronouncement. He took the envelope and place it on his table and gave us a long stare, which was followed by a sigh.

I became agitated with his movement. He sighed again and began unraveling the envelope.

The judge wears a sullen face and seems to be in a hurry. From his expression, it did show he had somewhere to be then sit and entertain us. He took out the content in the envelope and glance through it, this he did also in a hurry glancing at his wristwatch.

"Gentlemen" He began, "There's no point keeping all of you here in suspense as I have another hearings in a few minutes so I will go straight to the unveiling of the DNA result"

We nodded silently. I sat up instantly hanging at the edge of the chair. All I want is for it to go in my favor.

"From the result gathered, it proves with no doubt that you Nick..." He paused and took another glance at the result then back at me.

My teeth were stuttering due to tension. My legs began shaking on their own accord.

"...you are...not the father"

I felt cold from my head to my toes as though someone empty a bucket full of ice blocks on me. I look back at Hillary to see him wearing a victorious smirk. The anger in me erupted and I rushed to him.

"You did this! I refused to accept that fake piece of shit you called a result. If you near my son, even an inch, I will kill you!" I shouted pinning Hillary to his chair.

"Order!" The judge roared with annoyance hitting his hand on the table repeatedly to get our attention.

I didn't care what become of me from here so long as I make Hillary feel a quarter of the pain that I felt. I knew I was ready to kill at this point. He squared up equally ready for a comeback and that was all it take to send him crashing to the floor with a single punch.

The hall turned into a wrestling ground for us, even the judge couldn't pull us apart, he had to beckon the security for help.

"Wait!...wait! Nick! What's happening? Doctor! Doctor! Nick, what's happening to you?" Nick's mother yell pressing the bell on Nick's bedside continually as Nick shook vehemently.

Her heart couldn't hold out much longer seeing her son fight so hard to breathe.

Tears dripped down her eyes watching him struggle for stability. She held unto him trying to make him stop but it wasn't working.

She ran to the door shouting at the doctors before running back trying to make Nick stop shaking.

Nick's father, Nora, and two nurses ran into the room.

"What happened?" Nora asked taking off her stethoscope to check on Nick's heartbeat.

"No idea. He suddenly began shaking, please make him stop" Nick's mother answered more in a whisper, surprisingly they heard her.

"Get me the machine and put the oxygen bag on him. I need some space" Nora said to the nurses as she put her hands on Nick's chest trying to stabilize him,

"Get everyone out, please" She added when Nick's mother won't stop ranting and crying.

"Excuse us, ma and sir. We need you to step outside for now" A nurse addresses Nick's parent.

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