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'Friendship isn't based on proximity or longevity. It is based on value added principles'


 I pull up outside the hospital carpark, how I drove down here is a miracle as my hands feels like I went through a serial combat fight.

Sharp pains nip down my system, I wink as I welcome the surging impact of the pains through my hands in an attempt to pull out the car keys from the ignition.

Definitely something must kill a man and yes it balls down to a woman, my predicament currently.

I sigh and get out of the car and manage to lock it but not without the keys falling down a couple of times giving me a tough moment.

Taking a long stare at my hands as I straighten upright. I take few silent moment to calm my troubling heart before walking into the reception, and as I have expected, the smell of medicines clouded my nostril. I hate coming to the hospital, it always makes me feel nausea and sick.

I locate the nurse on duty behind the desk, explain my condition to her. She took my details and did the necessary procedures. I was ask to wait a while as they will attend to me soon. From what they said, the doctors were attending to patients.

Wondering why they couldn't just attend to me seeing how difficult it is for me control the pains. I hissed and turn around in search of where to sit.

Glancing around for a nice and quite  spot, my eyes rested on an empty chair close to the window and I help myself into it. The window is my favorite spot as it gives me the view of the outside scene and moment to ravel in the rare gift of nature which is natural air.

This was not how I plan my day to play out. I had plans and meeting scheduled for a perfect Monday and ending up in a hospital was never part of the schedule neither been burnt with hot water was envisioned as part of the event in store for my Monday morning, how then will my week be if the first working day of the week is already mess up? I'm loosing my sanity bit by bit all thanks to my wife who is suppose to be a pillar of strength and support but here I am at the edge of regretting the decision  of marrying her.

To the outside world, I have it all. A booming career. Money. A beautiful home with a pretty successful wife who appear charming with me on camera. Acting all loving and caring when we are in the eyes of the judging public. She talk of me being her better half, her everything whereas in reality  I'm  actually her nothing

I jerked up from the vibration in my pocket. I reach for the phone in my jean pocket, couldn't get it out due to the blisters on my hands. I look around and beckon on a young boy across the hall to assist me out. I had to stand up to grant him a better access to the phone, once he brought it out I offer my thanks and check the caller ID and it's Hillary, my best friend and business partner.

"Hey buddy" He yell into the phone with his deep rich baritone voice as soon as I answered, it beat me why he is not in an acapella group or join a band considering how good he sound but then I smile knowing the band will have to be disband as a result of his terrible singing voice.

"Hey man, I'm sorry I wanted calling you earlier" I responded to his slightly angry tone. He was clearly mad at me for not showing up for the board meeting.

"What's up with you? You're yet to be here and Mr Reg already came for his package. You know how that bald man act"

"Oh, yeah that " I shut my eyes rubbing my temple but wince as I forgot the injury on my hand. "I forgot, what did he say?"

"Really, you forget? Can you hear your, man" I hear him hissed, "Don't worry I already took care of the man but you sure you're good?" He sounded concerned

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