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The sun rays pierce through the already open window giving the room a bright and warm sensation. The ambience feels heavenly as I stir from sleep due to the brightness directed at my eyes. The temptation to stay longer in bed was stronger than anything but I needed to execute plans and attend to business appointments. A lot needed attending to, even my love life needed special attention.

I groan and shut my eyes in an attempt to shield the light penetrating through the window from my eyes but it didn't help. The sun was at it peek this morning and I could feel today being way hotter than yesterday had been. I frown recalling I'd locked the window last night before I retired to bed, I try to joggled my memories to any point I might have gotten up to open the curtain but couldn't make out a thing. It was blank. I definitely didn't touch the curtain. She did.

The slight aching on my cheeks makes me feels feverish. I sighs when I remember how I got that aching. Pain arch it way to my chest. I shook my head reminding myself I'd make the best of today no matter what cross my way.

I turn to the other side of the bed stretching under the cover. I lean to my wife's side but as always, she wasn't in bed. Her side of the bed was as though she never slept in it.

I sit up and scan the room for her but my scent is filled with her fragrance saturating the atmosphere; I was choking as a matter of fact. That means she is ready for work or has left.

My wife is an early riser. Early bird. Sleeps late but wakes up early. Unlike me, I am the opposite of the rhyme I learnt in my nursery level which is 'early to bed and early to rise'. It doesn't matter the time I sleep, I will end up waking at a very odd hour just like today.

I step out of bed grab my black chenille robe and stand at the big dressing mirror at the left wing in the room glancing over my appearance. I stare at a side on my face which now look swollen a bit, I shook my head at the memory of what happen before dragging myself to the bathroom for a quick wash up.

After few minutes, I sluggishly walk back to the room not feeling for work this morning; wondering if anyone hate Mondays like I do. Early morning rush and the bustle for work can never be my thing. I decides to get a cup of coffee maybe that will do some magic on me and cheer my spirit up a bit, I don't like coffee but I like the fact that it keeps me awake and energised.

Humming to some random songs as they keeps popping into my head while I head downstairs. I barely know the lyrics, but that seems to be my morning routine and mind you my voice can make the dumb speaks, note the sarcasm.

I stop immediately mid-way into the kitchen when I notice my wife holding a cup of coffee staring outside the kitchen's window lost in her world of thoughts. Her mind seems far away from the house judging from her tense features and uneven breathing.

She looks beautiful as always. I wish I could wrap my hands around her and whispers that to her every waking day till she get tire of hearing it. Of course she will, Lauren easily get irritated when things are repeated on a roll. Her pattern of behaviour seems off to others but it excite me nonetheless.

I stay still admiring her as she is oblivious of my presence, she has on a knee length red dress that hug her body perfectly accentuating her curves and bosom as though it was tailored for her body with a black heels to amplify her dress beautifully. A teardrop red earrings adore her ears. She had her Afro-curly hair neatly throw into a tight bun with some few strands dancing around her earlobe.

She is the perfect definition of beauty, an hour glass shape that snapped eyes to her whenever she walk by, tall and a tanned brown skin with a sparkling brown eyes that can soften the hardest of hearts. I hope she knows that and the effects she has on me.

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