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'Rules are rules; if you don't want to get caught then don't break them'


"Why on earth did you wait this long to inform me about this ridiculous development? Why hide it from me?" Hillary said hitting his forehead angrily. He was overly upset for a reason I'm yet to wrap my head around.

I for once didn't see the need of him beating himself up about the news. It was meant to excite him, not the reaction he's exhibiting before me. I sighed and attempted to explain further which was against my nature. I hated explaining things that are quite obvious for a layman to see.

"I wanted to be certain before letting you know, surely, I don't see what's bad in that," I said as calm as I could bring myself to be. It was a little string of self-control restraining me from sending dozens of slaps across his face.

"Are you listening to yourself? You were waiting to be certain? And have you sit back and think of how this certainty you claim will shatter us" He chuckles and look up at the ceiling shaking his head. I bite down on my lips to suppress a rude remark that was about escaping my lips.

"I can't believe this, Jesus!" He yelled and dash to the window staring out fiercely.

"I have no idea this will upset you," I said lowly with surprise lace in my voice. At some point, I doubted the voice that came out of my throat belong to me. I drop my tired body on the nearby chair as my eyes began to spin due to Hillary's continuously yelling.

"Why are you making me feel like I did the most horrible thing on earth, I'm equally concern as much as you..."

"Do not play that emotional rubbish crap on me, don't!" He warned with his face as hard as ice then walk to the bar and take out a drink and a glass. This was another side of him I've never seen before. Why is he so upset?

I watched as he pours himself a glassful and gulf it down his throat.

His eyes went shut as the liquid burned his throat.

My eyes travelled from him to the ceiling, I was doing everything within me at this point not to snap at him. He knew me too well to push me around.

"What are we going to do?" He finally let out after quenching his thirst.

"We are keeping it," I said as a matter of finality leaving no room for argument.

"What?!" He exclaimed dropping the glass nosily and face me with bewildered eyes, "Are you out of your mind?"

"What would you have us do? Get rid of something beautiful growing inside me because you're too weak to face the world about us or how you feel about me"

"I will pretend those words didn't find their ways out of your mouth. What about your husband?" He trails his way back to where I sat.

"What about him?" I shrugged and lean into the chair.

He went silent for a minute which appears like an hour. I will do anything to know what's going through that thick brain of his.

Our eyes met as the silence grew prominently. His eyes held numerous meanings as I gaze.

"He is your husband, Lauren, and if you're not concern about his feelings, I am. What on earth will I tell my wi...?" He trails off shaking his head profusely.

My face fell into a deep frown. My head tried to find what he was so scared of but came up with no substantial idea, "What will you tell your what?" I asked daring him to spit it out. I found myself already sprout on my feet.

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