A sleek peep!!!

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I promised to give you a tiny excerpt from TALES OF NANA so here it is:


His strong hand gripped my arms with no clemency shooting pain to my brain. I blubbered and struggle to break free but it was a futile attempt. The door open up before me and with one push I bumbled inside crashing on the floor. I gait up and hustle to the door but it clanked on my face.

“Dad! Let me out this minute!” I kicked the poor door and banged on it violently.

With one defeated sigh, I realized it was pointless begging or pleading my case before a man whose heart was hook on selling me out at all expense. I felt wretched and unworthy.

What did I ever do to deserve a father as cruel as him?

He wasn’t always like this. From the memories I’ve built of him, he was kind and adorable father any child could ever ask for. He was the envy of my friends and acquaintances. My happiness was his primacy so much so he would rescind his business pilgrimage to take care of me when I fell sick. I’d always cloud my mind with the sense of him having my best interest at heart; I guess I was mistaken. Not all who smile with you are truly for you. I’ve learned that the hard way.

Hope leap within me when I heard the keys chime behind the close door and then clicked twice. I step away and await the icky entrance of my beloved father.

Minutes went by and no sign of anyone opening the door. It dawn on me that whoever it was only came to double check if the door was appropriately locked.

Being incarcerated to my room was never part of the plan. What am I saying? There was no plan.

“Ah!” I screeched booting the chair and the table across the room they gave an annoying sound that did nothing but fuel my anger in multiple degree. I regard the beautiful candle chute that scattered on the floor. Poor thing they had to suffer my wrath. I wasn’t elated with just the chair and table. I felt the need to destroy everything I can see or touch. Something need to share in my frustrations. Soon the whole room was been overthrown into horrendous disarray.

This madness all began after my father’s friend visit. My wall crashed since the revelation that left me hallow.

My mind drifted to the piece of news my father dumped on me few days back


My feet found the cold tiles in speed. The tiles as cold as the news my father announced to me. It all made sense, why my father never approved of any relationship I told him about or the suitors I brought back home. He’d always kicked against it. His reasons were never reasonable enough to a learned man to understand.

There were no more tears to shed. I’d cried a tank full overnight.

“I don’t want him” I said in a sober tone, my vision blurring. A storm was coming. A storm of tears. And it’d rained uncontrollable.

“If you are seeking an apology for what transpired years back or what I just told you, then I’m sorry, you won’t be getting it” He let out with no iota of guilt.

Right there I knew he didn’t love me. It was all a word of mouth clinging me to himself only to expose his true nature.

“How am I going to marry a man we don't even know, a stranger, father? Is that your plans for me? Don’t you care about my happiness or it doesn’t matter in whose hands I end up in?”

His tired features stared back at me revealing some softness I was accustomed with. My mother was torn between her husband and her daughter but I knew better; her selfless loyalty and support will always lie with her husband.

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