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"...he that has a cap has no head to wear it on but he that has a head, no cap."


The wistful music playing in the background was a bit disturbing to the ears, yet no strength in me to put it off as I stare blankly into space gluing my body in the driver's seat. The thought of appearing in court in two days and possibly finding out that Josiah might be Hillary's blood had me in a foul mood all day. Every little offense seems to ignite anger in me.

Why the DNA result I underwent is yet to be released is what baffles me the most and keeps me bothering if Hillary somehow found out about the DNA and decided to interfere with the delay but I doubt that. The Hillary I know would gladly flaunt the result in my face in mockery if it's in his favor.

How on earth will I live without Josiah? I love that child with everything in me.

I sighed and dragged my body out of the car and walk to the porch. Just as I'm about to turn the knob, Melissa opens up the door looking nervously behind, more like she was watching out for me from the window or a hidden spot. I signal for her to move aside for me but she stood her ground not granting me access to the apartment. I shove both hands into my pocket and welcome the warmth that greeted me.

I stare down at her angrily not in the slightest mood for her little show of advice. It was unneeded for I have way more pressing matters.

"Sir...I" She struggles with her words looking over her shoulder as though been monitored.

My mind immediately swift to the image of her ex and I got alerted.

"Melissa, what is it? Did someone hurt or threatened you?" I rashes out trying to make her look at me.

Her face deepen into a frown as she took a turn to scan my alarmed face.

"My wellbeing is far from the current situation, sir" She stated with a realization of my alarmed expression.

"Situation" I repeated with a scoff following and she nodded.

I sighed and make to walk past her but she jump right in my way.

"The thing is I need to tell you something before you go in so you don't scold me afterward for not informing you ahead"

"Step out, please. If this is about me not eating the food you served this morning then it's of no use bringing up the matter, particularly at a time like this. I had a very hectic day at work and all I need now is a lot of sleep and some peace of mind" I said calmly but she knew better than the way my appearance portray me was far from the word calm.

I tried to walk my way around her but she remained adamant constantly popping into my path, "Uhm, sir, You might have an unwelcome visitor waiting for you in the living room, but... I swear, I tried to stop her from getting in but she force her way in anyways" She explains occasionally looking back and my face fell into a frown as I instantly envision who the 'unwelcome' visitor might be.

"Who might this unwelcome visitor be?" My hands found their way out of the warm comfort of my pocket to widen the door to see who it was.

"Your wife..." She said once the door cracked open but paused immediately after the words left her mouth. I let go of the door to look at her sternly with a raised brow. "Uhm, sorry sir, I mean to say Lauren"


"Sir?" She answered looking down.

"How many times have I warned you never to let that woman into my home even if she is dying?" I asked.

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