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"Impossibility vanished when a man decides to confront his mountain"


"Hey, you're awake?" I asked settling on the armrest chair beside the bed. I lay Josiah down in his carrier and handed him his toys to keep him occupied but the boy wanted to climb the bed instead. I handed him more toys to play with, that seemingly took his focus off the bed.

My eyes roamed the room searching for nothing in particular but the feeling is sickeningly inhaling the scent of drugs.

The room was painted white with a single bed in the middle and a table beside it. A vase with flower decorated it, I wonder who brought it for her and the rest of the table was filled with various beverages. I scanned her face for a sign of her being aware but her eyes were tightly shut. Several tubes were connected to her nose and hands as the machine kept on beeping. I look around the dimly lit room and decided to pull the curtain a bit to allow a shred of sunlight into the room.

The room smells of medicines and disinfectants which made me groggy and irritable, one of the reasons I hated visiting the hospital. I snuffed and try not to think about it.

Her eyes shuddered as the rays of sunlight penetrated the room, "Oh, Sorry" I voice out and close the curtain a bit.

"How are you?" I asked sitting back. She flashes a weak smile that appears as though she wanted to tear up.

She attempted to sit upright but failed. I beckon on her to lay back, "Alive" She said softly with a deep breath.

"And that's the best news" I smile her way, she only winced in reply probably from pain.

"Thank you so much, Mr Nick, for helping me. I wish there is a way I can repay you for your kindness"

"There is, and that is for you to get well"

She simply nodded and her eyes travelled down to where giggling sounds were coming from. It was Josiah. I heard her sniffing, I look away from Josiah to her. Her eyes were shut tightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked searching her face and hands for a place that might hurt.

"Did I..." She hesitates and swallows slowly. My head was already telling me what the question will be.

"Did I lose the...pregnancy?" She let out, her dark brown eyes bored into mine anxiously. I heaved a deep breath thinking of a possible moderate way of breaking the news to her without getting her more miserable. How does one say such a piece of news?

My silence gave the reply for she broke down crying uncontrollably. I let her pour her pains out, it is better to let it all out than buckle it up. The bed vibrated due to the intensity of her cries.

"Melissa, you need to be thankful, at least for being alive. Once there is life, there is hope" I said taking her hand that she'd tightened.

"My child...he took my child yet again" She cried even more.

"What do you mean?"

She exhale and stare at me for a while probably debating whether to tell me or not, "He took my newborn child after I gave birth and claim some thugs took the child from him....but I know...he lied about it, he sold my child"

"And you didn't inform the police about this? Why?" I asked in surprise.

She let out a laugh, albeit, with struggle, "No one believe me anyway and I have no proof to back my claim that he indeed sold my child"

I shook my head in disapproval, "At least, you should have try, for your child's sake"

She broke into another session of sobbing while I try to console her. A female doctor steps into the room carrying a white file in hand giving me a look I didn't understand.

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