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"What goes around, comes back around; they say..."

The furor in the background intensifies making Jackie cringe and beckon on Nelly for help, Nelly, in turn, pretended not to understand her indication and proceeded with her tasks.

"You are ignoring me, right? I'm supposed to be pampered as a bride"

"And who's is not pampering you?" Nelly asked attempting to control her giggle.

"You of course. Do you call ignoring me pampering?"

Nelly hissed, "This particular bride is a bundle of stress, or am I lying?" She asked the makeup artist who cracked up and continue with her work.

Jackie grimaced and stay quiet.

"Okay, what is it?" Nelly gave in

"Why does everyone aim at deafening me today of all days? This is the exact reason I specifically asked my mother to enforce adequate arrangements for an outlet outside the house yesterday so we won't have a mess this morning. Can you ask them to stop hitting the steel against each other? The noise is making my head cry in pain" Jackie complained which in turn halted the hair stylist's activity.

"They are doing their job madam soon-to-be Mrs. Paul, and I can't stop anyone, the best you can do is intentionally ignore the noise or act as though your sensory perception is in church already" Nelly answered back and toss a powder brush she picked from the floor to the makeup artist.

Left with no other option, Jackie breathed out and excused herself to the gigantic mirror in the room as Nelly supported her movement by lifting the white gown for her.

She stared at her transformed image before her eyes and blushed profusely.

"Why do you need to include her kind in this wedding? I don't mind her showing up as a wedding guest but being here as one of the bridesmaids is not giving at all..." Nelly busted in irritation and then glance at Nora who was smiling at something one of the bridesmaids said.

Nora seems to be aware of her remark as her eyes darted to Nelly with revulsion in an instant. Whatever those two have going on wasn't clear to Jackie and she wasn't about to dig it up.

Jackie sigh softly and acted not to hear Nelly remark just so peace could reign throughout her wedding because those two will be working hand in hand pretty soon whether they like it or not.

"Your brother is not going to accept this sitting down"

"Then let him stand!" Jackie snapped, "I have no idea what happened between them or you and her but frankly speaking I don't care so long as it doesn't rip anybody's head off or disrupt my wedding"

"What will you say about her?" Nelly pointed to Melissa who was busy sorting out the gifts for the bridesmaids.

Jackie rolls her eyes. She didn't see anything wrong with including them as her bridesmaids. The groomsmen are five and it was only reasonable that she has five bridesmaids to match that. Nora and Melissa happen to be available at the time she needed them and are beautiful as well so she opted for them.

"Such a poor pick if you ask me. It's the reaction of your brother that I don't want to witness" Nelly said helping her with the earrings.

"It's my wedding, Nelly not his, and I get to decide who I want to be a part of my bridesmaids. If for any reason he has a problem with my choice then that's his headache"

"But have you contemplated the awkwardness and how uncomfortable it will be..."

"Nelly!" Jackie warned knowing another word from her may cause an argument between them.

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