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A/N hello my precious readers old and new! I hope you enjoy this story! it WILL have a tad bit of sexual references but I don't think I'm going to get pornographic on you people.

NEW AUTHORS NOTE: I lied I started getting 'pornographic' aka sexy around chapter 19 heh whoops


I stared at the photo in front of me, cold angry blue eyes stared back at me, snowy blonde hair in perfect curls. The girl in the photo was obviously unhappy to have been made up but was smiling never the less.

Smiling like she was going to kill you the second you got anywhere near her.

A slow smirk spread across my face as I flipped open her file;

Name: Calla

Age: 18

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Blonde

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 122 lbs

Blood Type: O negative

I felt my smirk grow, a rare blood type, no wonder they were eager to get her to auction so soon, she would bring a nice sum of money to the shop. I continued reading;

Personality: Calla, while beautiful as an angel...has a bit of a temper. Nothing that cannot be tamed with the right amount of training. He blood should make it well worth the time. She is silent for the most part but when she does speak, shes got a bit of a mouth on her and tends to glare quite a bit.

I looked at the other photos provided with the girls file, beautiful as an angel indeed, but she looked as angry as any devil in each shot. Especially the one of her in the maroon lingerie they had undoubtedly forced her to wear.

To be perfectly honest it was quite amusing.

I looked up at the nervous vampire sent over to deliver me the files of the girls going to action in the next three days, I held up one of the photo's, "this one. when does she go up?"

The boy blinked, as if surprised I had even asked about her, "tomorrow my lord. any others you are interested in?"

I had already briefly skimmed the other files and had found each woman in it boring. Nothing I have yet to see, "no. I will be in tomorrow, that is all."

He nodded, giving a slight bow before collecting the files and scurrying from the room.

He hadn't even known I had kept the photo of her in the maroon lingerie.

Beautiful indeed.


Calla POV:

I glared at the vampire before me, pressing myself against the bars of my 'cage' before dropping the glare and offering him my sweetest grin, "once I get out of her I'm going to kill alllll of you!" I swept my arms out wide, my grin turning feral, "I'm going to rip out all of your throats and see how you like your blood being drained from your neck."

The vampire flashed his fangs at me in an equally menacing grin, "you can try that all you want, after the auction."

I was tempted to spit in his face but I really did not want to be whipped...again. I had only been here for a few weeks and I just knew they were dying to get rid of me.

To put it simply I was a pain in the ass.

Its their fault for sticking me in revealing clothing, dolling me up, and taking photos of me. I don't like having my photo taken and I don't like being leered at. I hate being told what to do and I most defiantly do not want to be stuck in a damned pet shop of all places.

They tried to break me the first week, I still have the angry red gashes to prove it. The second week they tried to at least train me a bit seeing as I wouldn't be beaten to the ground, but all I ever did was mess with the other girls.

Needless to say the owner hated me and so did all the 'staff' of this dump. Oh and the other 'pets' hated me too.

They told me if I didn't get sold by the third auction I would be drained and my blood served to vampires during the next auction.

I told them that I would magically pull arsenic out of my ass and inject it directly into my bloodstream so they couldn't have a drop.

I was whipped again that day.

Tomorrow was my first auction, no one expected me to be sold, I think they just wanted to force me to get cleaned up -sometimes shopping vampires will drop by to see us and buy because they don't like the hype of auctions so naturally I have been refusing to take care of myself and bathe- and shove me in slinky clothes that barely cover my body.

They also made a point of telling me that if I did anything to mess up the auction, if I did anything but smile real pretty, then I would be drained in front of the whole damn crowd. I decided to flush my plan of causing one hell of a problem down the hypothetical toilet -dying early would do me no good If I wanted to escape- But there was no way in hell I was smiling pretty for the human shaped leaches.

I yanked at my leather collar and frowned, feeling at the metalic lettered that spelled out Calla.

Yeah no flipping way I was smiling for those asshats.

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