Ch 61: A Bright Side to Everything

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A/N I just recently figured out I can see the statistics for what countries my readers come from for each every now and again I'm say hi to some of them~ strartinggggg now!

Hiiiii to the 1.68% of you in India!

Hey hey 6% of y'all in the Philippines~

Sup my .533% of reader in Sweden!

OH MY GOSH the 8% of you in the UK

hehe this is fun

GASP! 1,000,000 READS! YOU GUYS RULE LOL! love you!...why the fuck can I still not see my rank?! I'm getting really really annoyed with wattpad! The lady was like 'maybe your story does not have enough views or you do not update it often enough for it to rise in ranking.' and I'm all like, It just reached 1,000,000 reads and I update every day.' AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE REPLY I GOT WAS?! 'oh.' THANK YOU WATTPAD SUPPORT FOR BEING UTTERLY USELESS.

P.S. I'm happy hoshicon! (the convention I'm going to in july.) is going to have its first ever lolita tea!!! hehe but it did bring me some curiosity, are any of you guys cosplayers or lolita? if so let me know which! hehe


Calla POV:

"Calla, pet, calm down."

Calm down?! This asshole did not really just say that! I'm told that a murderous king wants me to visit with Kaden all the way in another country and he wants me to calm down and just sip at my water?

The bastard looked like nothing was wrong just sitting next to me running his fingers through the long blonde strands of my hair, I whispered to him a bit too harshly for the setting, "Do you really expect me to just sit here and calmly eat my lord?"

He nodded, "yes. That is exactly what I expect."

I glared at him from behind my lashes, "...asshat."

Gwen and Aldric chuckled sipping at their wine.

I glared at them too, did they not see how serious this is? did they not realize I could die? Kaden could die? We could die.

Kaden began to gently massage my neck -a trick that on more occasions than not would calm me down- as he called over our waited with a small wave of the hand. He ordered swiftly for both himself and I before allowing Gwen and Aldric to do such. Just as the waiter was about to leave his hand stopped on my neck, "oh and my pet could use a drink, something strong, its been a long day."

The waiter was gone before I could insist to my oh so great master that I was fine.

I sat there and stared angry holes in the side of Kadens head. He looked down at me a look of faux confusion carefully painted across his features, "did you not want the lobster?"

This man was going to be the death of me, quite literally.

He gave my knee a gentle squeeze beneath the table offering a reassuring smile before striking up a conversation with Gwen.

He still didn't talk to his brother much but they no longer glared at one another constantly so I like to think they are starting to understand one another, get along even.

Ha. I can only imagine how the king of assvale would feel if his two sons stopped hating one another and banned against him in the name of the power of awesome.

But all the 'fuck the king' reasons aside I really did hope for Kaden and his brother to get along. I could tell that Aldric in some weird way really did look up to Kaden, I would be willing to bet my favorite arm that he had a certain like of the odd and the disobedient because his brother is like that. I think Aldric loves Kaden and wants them to have a relationship but has always had conflicted feelings because of his upbringing. I think that one half of him is all for the crown and how vampires should be but the other half of him truly sees and desires a different world like the one his elder brother made for himself.

As for Kaden...Well I love him but he's a stubborn asshole. He probably doesn't see things the way I do because his little brother never really expressed his desire to be near Kaden.

Well guess what mr vampire lord Aldric never openly expressed his desire to kiss boys either.

I sighed a bit glancing over to Kaden only to find him looking right at me, a thoughtful look in his eyes. I blinked, "...did I miss something?"

He shook his head, "You were thinking quite loudly I couldn't help but listen."

I flushed, "O-oh sorry lord Dawson."

" need for apology you may be right."

That made me smile a bit, at least in all the shit that I knew would come, Kaden and Aldric could finally be brothers.

Looks like there really is a bright side to everything.

Who the fuck would have guessed?

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