Ch 49: This Isn't my Kind of Game.

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A/N: A darling reader had asked me how i come up with some of the lines for Calla and my other characters from my other books. Well from my mind is always my first answer but ummm...well I'm like a lot of my characters IF YOU COULDN'T TELL FROM THE AUTHORS NOTES IM KINDA A CRAZY BITCH! and i only ever show u guys my calm side ;)

Author-chan out!

WAAAIIT I forgot something. YES I KNOW THE GOD DAMN BOOK HAS GRAMMAR MISTAKES BUT MOST OF THEM ARE NOT THT BIG OF A DEAL! I don't edit the chapters because I know if I did I would just change everything and y'all would get once a week instead of once a day or so. Would u like that? Didn't think so. If u see something major point it out otherwise zip it. Its not like I don't know -_- u try updating at least two stories every day and or every other day and balancing tht with college shit and a social life, moving preparations, vacation prep, and other work. Oh and doing tht without a pre written plot line (yeah babe this stuffs all floating in my head i wing this shit with a very hazy end point in mind) Once you do that with perfect grammar then you may speak on the subject once more but until then SHHHH YOU BE STATING THE OBVIOUS THIS SHIZ AINT EDITED LIKE REALITY TV AND PORN.

Ps. I was lying! the end in my mind isn't hazy. It doesn't exist i have little blips of story I wanna throw in floating around but and ending? Im just as curious about it as you guys. each chapter is written in the span of about an hour give or take some time i play it by ear and published right off the bat.

this chapter is longer~


Kaden POV:

She was hiding something I could feel it.

I adore Calla, I really do. The woman is my world, my mischievous little goddess, my light, my wild little pet.

Shes everything to me.

Which is why I couldn't sit there and continue stroking her soft skin as she lied through her teeth.

I told her that I was glad her mistake had brought her to me. Which was true I am more than glad to have her in my life I'm elated she graces my home with her girlish skate and her cheshire grins. But even without peering into her mind I knew she was lying to me.

I didn't dip into her thoughts and I didn't pry for answers.

But I didn't let her kiss me when she had tried either.

And I'm nearly positive her eyes growing wide with hurt and her fingers stilling on my cheek would be ingrained into my mind for a long time.

And beneath that hurt of hers there was understanding.

She knew I knew she was lying.

Which is probably why she only looked away when our eyes met, her fingers sliding from my skin and back into the water.

I would always be there for Calla she knew that

How could I not be there for the person who had already brought me so much light?

But knowing she was unwilling to trust me with even who she was is unnerving.

Its eyes opening.

Its heart breaking.

It hurts knowing that the girl I adore more than anything doesn't trust me.

Doesn't believe that she can tell me.

Doesn't want to.

I downed my scotch.

My brother who I had forgotten was sitting across from me rose a brow, "trouble brother?"

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