Ch 45: Death Grip

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A/N: OH MY GOD! hi. I just recently passed 900 followers so this chapters dedicated to you my 900 something lovers~ you know unless your a horrible person who has good taste in books. you may then excuse yourself from my dedication. ;)


Calla POV:

The prince sipped at Kadens favorite scotch.

I know its his favorite because when we cuddling in bed after some seriously glorious sex its the same scotch I pour for him. Its also the same scotch I pour for him when he's stressed.

I don't like this asshat drinking Kadens favorite scotch.

Its Kadens.

His red eyes clashed with mine from across the table. I know i should have looked away from him but I didn't.

I didn't like him here.

Since he got here Kaden wasn't brushing off Angelica like he always has, letting her cling to him like a damn desperate monkey instead. Gwen hasn't been making her usual jokes with Gabriel, and Jerric had high tailed it out of here the moment he heard his royal bitchness was coming for a visit.

I took a long drink of my wine.

Maybe I would pull a Kaden and get drunk off my ass due to pissed off jealousy and just rage in general.

Seemed to work for him.

I noticed the Prince raise a brow at me and I gave him a tight liped smile as I separated my lips from the glass.

At least his face wasn't bad to look at.

Not as handsome as Kaden but handsome none the less. His lashes were long for a guy and his jawline strong..His eyes reminded me a little bit of rubies a violent contrast to Kadens own rose and wine colored ones.

Those very different I could see some similarities in the two half brothers Their shoulders were around the same size although Kaden was a bit taller, their eyes the same shape, their hair the same black. they looked even more similar with their hair slicked back the way it was

Aldric was very handsome indeed, My smile turned a bit sweeter.

Aldric seemed to notice something about me change, "Calla...where did you get such a name?"

I blinked, lips parting a bit in surprise unsure if he was talking to me until his brows rose a bit in my direction, I stumbled over my words, "m-my mother's favorite flower was the Calla Lily your highness."

He flashed me a smile, "lovely...Your hair is natural?"

I nodded touching my blonde curls lightly, a small blush covering my cheeks at his genuine interest.

He was the first person to pay me any mind all night.

Sipping at his drink he murmured, "how lovely...How lucky my brother is to have such a pretty bashful pet gracing his home."

My blush brighted a bit, "oh no your highness, I am very fortunate to live here Lord Dawson takes wonderful care of me."

He nodded, "As he should. You were so daintily pretty I had thought you a piece of art at first glance. Belived my eyes were fooling me."

Its getting seriously hot in here.

Prince Aldric is a very smooth man...almost as smooth as his jaw...I wondered for a moment how he managed to get such a close shave.

The banging of glass on wood brought both of our attention to where Kaden sat.

Rage flashed behind his gave as his gaze met mine.

...what the hell? what caught his panties in a twist?

I glanced at Aldric who was looking at his brother closely, "Are you well Kaden?"

Kadens jaw worked for a moment before he answered, "quite well Aldric."

Dinner finished in silence. The two brothers glancing at one another on occasion. When it was finally over I followed Kaden as the whole group went their separate ways, giving the prince time to settle in.

I shot him a look as the bedroom door shut behind us, "...What the hell was that in there Kaden?!"

He shot me an Icy look but said nothing. Instead removing his tie and pulling some unfinished work from a drawer.

I gaped at him, "Kaden? I kinda want an answer to that question."

His eyes flickered up to me, "You are laying on your charm a little too thick Calla."

I struggled to remove my jaw from the floor, "I was being nice! you know that thing I'm supposed to be? what was I supposed to do, ignore him?"

Kaden took a long sip of his drink, "no. but there was no need to be blushing over him like some school girl and wondering over how handsome you find him or how he managed to get such a close shave!"

"I was not blushing like a school girl."

He practically growled at me.

"...okay maybe I was blushing a bit."

That only seemed to anger him more.

What the hell?!

"But Kaden, you were letting that undead whore hang all over you all night and no one was talking to me! I was flattered someone actually noticed I existed in that damn room!"

He snorted, sarcasm dripping from his voice, "oh yes Calla because you were absolutely lost amongst the furniture in that outfit."

An embarrassed blush streaked over my face, "you didn't seem to enthralled with my appearance to busy bending to Angelicas whims!"

He rolled his eyes at me, fingers looping around my leash I didn't even realized was still on, Pulling me forward until I landed on his lap. One of his hands squeezing my barely covered ass. The sound of his voice was a practical growl in my ear, "The moment I saw you walked down those stairs I wanted to drag you back up and fuck you until you couldn't even remember your own name."

Well then...A pleasant shiver racked through my body.

Sensing my mind wonder to the naughty Kaden nipped my earlobe, "Be a good girl and remember you're mine, got it baby?"

A mischievous smile formed on my lips as I toyed with the buttons on his shirt, "I know Kaden...But try not to get to're the only man I want touching me."

He grumbled a bit, "I was not jealous."

I gave a teasing laugh, "your death grip on my ass is telling a different story."

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