Ch 21: Prize

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A/N: okay first off, FIFTY SHADES OF GREY IS THE WORST BOOK EVER! ITS WHAT KIND OF BILLIONAIRE SAYS LATERS BABY?! SERIOUSLY? AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE 'MY INNER GODESS' SHIT! BITCH THATS YOUR VAGINA CALL IT SUCH ITS A PORN BOOK YOU CAN USE SOMETHING OTHER THAN JUVENAL SHIT...okay im better now oh and i Found a better way to censor, so no more ! in the place of i's hehe and you guys have great comments they make me laugh~ oh and I'm sure I'll be throwing in some of those scenes some of you guys wanted...ANYWAYS time for Kaden to collect his winnings~ toodles!


I spun and stared at Kaden, body still humming with arousal.

He won.


A grin spread over his face, "Out of the pool pet."

My heart was hammering against my chest, "Kaden...lets talk about this."

His smiled dropped, "we're going to need the gag aren't we? and here I was hoping that you could scream for me while everyone was distracted."

"Kaden...there are hundreds and hundreds and vampires here. they are sure to realize their host is gone."

He waved me off, "Ill go back after I claim my prize, now out of the pool."

I covered my chest with my arms, blushing, "but when you come back they are going to wonder what happened."

He rolled his eyes at me, "pet, if they ask I'll just tell them I was having a taste of you and put you to bed because you were exhausted. both of which will be the truth after you get out of the pool."

"...I never got to swim."

"You can swim tomorrow."

"They might here me if I scream."

"thats what the gag if for."

"I don't want to be gaged."

He tisked at me, "okay how about I give you a choice?"

I smiled a bit at that, "okay."

"One of us is getting oral sex, its up to you as to which one it will be; you or me."

My eyes widened, involuntarily glancing at the darkened water, knowing exactly what it hid. " there a third option?"

He looked me straight in the eye, "you spend the next three days tied to my bed naked and gaged."

My jaw dropped, "uhm...I don't know."

"you have five seconds."


He shrugged, "I do have a ball to get back to and it difficult just standing her talking while your naked and aroused."





"Can't this wa-"


"I-I don't know!"

"Two. I'm going to punish you if you don't pick one."


"One, god I can't wait to turn that pretty ass pink." He waited a second "Zer-"


He licked his lips, eyeing me hungrily, "atta girl."

He lifted himself from the pool with all the grace of a jungle cat. With the grace no drunken bastard could possibly maintain, I stared at him nervously as he finally put some pants on, shaking out his wet hair with one hand, "Kaden..."

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