Ch 78: Do you Know how Vampires are Made?

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A/N: Hello hello! are we excited to find out Aldrics plan?


Calla POV:

Aldric and Kaden sat me down on the loveseat in front of them, Kaden taking my hand a stroking my knuckles softly.

He looked so worried.

Aldric took one look at his elder brother before beginning his 'important chat' he said we needed to have, "Calla do you love my older brother?"

What kind of question was that? "No Aldric I'm just illegally pressing a relationship with him for shits and giggles."

Donavan snickered from his place as guard dog by the door.

Kaden shot me a look, "Baby...please try to take this a seriously as you can."

Just looking at the worry makes creasing his brow made me feel guilty for starting on sarcasm, "I love Kaden more than anything. He's my world."

Aldric nodded, "and how much do you love yourself?"

Okay. That question is seriously strange, "I love myself well enough, I have regrets like everyone else and insecurities but I love myself."

He shook his head, "not like that lilly child, how much do you love your body?"

"I like to think its nice...Kaden likes it so even if I think my thighs could use a little less meat I still love it."

Aldric groaned, Donavan laughed again, and Kaden did that cute little smirk he gets when he finds something I did 'cute or endearing' as he says.

He smirks like that when I get all happy over cake or trip playing with the kittens.

I miss my kittens, I should Have Kaden send them home before shit goes down though, "Kaden..."

"Yes love?"

"Can we send the kittens back to America I want to be with them but with all this going on I'm worried about them."

He smiled softly, "of course."

"yes yes thats all very good and well but I need you to focus Calla."

I looked back at Aldric and nodded.

"I meant how attached to"

Uh very much so. Its the only one I have, "I'm pretty attached to my life. Attached to my life is Kaden and Id rather cut my arm off than end it sooner than needed."

Awe Kadens happy.

He's trying to hide it but I made him happy.

I'm such a good lover making my man happy without even trying or realizing what I'm doing.

Aldric rubbed his temples, "bloody hell how daft can one woman-"

"Aldric! She isn't daft...she's just not even considering impossible things and she's being honest, maybe its your questions that are daft."

The prince rolled his eyes but continued, "Calla do you know how Vampires are made?"

I blinked, " chomp on one?"

I'm pretty sure Donavan turned into a hyena.

Aldric shot Kaden a look as if he had proved a point. "No Calla you do not chomp on one. Long ago there was this primitive mixing of blood and few survived but thanks to modern science our race prospers."

Does he not realize I never went to school?

"These days one must go through both rigorous mental and physical tests before being approved of becoming a vampire and pets are absolutely-"

"Forbidden from being one. I know that Kaden and I talked about it once."

He nodded. "Well these days becoming a vampire is...odd, done only by scientists for it is illegal to turn someone otherwise."


"These scientists take a random sample of vampire blood that had been donated and infuse it with some sort of chemical compound and run it through an iv after effectively analyzing your DNA through tests to make sure your body can really maintain that particular vampires blood. You are in a forced comatose state for 5 days. During which the scientist has complete control over your DNA, using particular medicines to eliminate threats your body tries to pose to the vampire disease and usher along the process. They also monitor to make sure your body is properly changing and your heart does not stop too early."

I nodded. How weird.

Aldric leaned back in his chair, watching me carefully, "two days ago a scientist who specializes in the vampire transformation was delivered right to the palace."

My brows furrowed, "really? why?"

Kadens hand went rigid in my own.

Aldric hesitated, "Well...He went a bit rogue and was arrested."

"Rogue? how?"

"..He was experimenting with the process of turning humans into vampires, trying to create ones with still beating hearts or the ability to withstand the sun, all of his subjects died of course. He was arrested and brought here for execution."

"Okay..what does any of this have to do with me?" I peered at Kaden to see his jaw working overtime as he grit his teeth.

Prince Aldric spared a glance at his brother, "I was thinking we could have him turn you into a vampire. Kaden...while he sees the opportunity in this, is very very concerned about your safety."

Well could you blame him? you suggested he put his lover in the hands of a mad scientist.

"How the hell do you even think you could make him turn me and not go running off to squeal? and what about when I just pop up all vampiric after being his pet? thats super illegal you know. How the fuck would we explain it?.. Aldric its a nice thought." Its a wonderful fantasy, "but it has a lot of problems and holes in it."

Kade nodded, "thats what I said...but he says he has a solution for that pet."

"which would be?"

"We let him test something small on you a-"

"ABSOLUTLY NOT! Are you out of your fucking mind!?" Kadens glare could melt steel.

The two started arguing again while I just sat there trying to process everything.

I could be with Kaden, forever. "..Kaden..."

He ignored me still bickering.



"Kaden! honey!"

Finally he looked my way, "yes?"

"Can we please here Aldric out on this?"

His eyes grew wide, "Calla you have got to be kidding me! I won't let some mad man experiment on you! We will find another way."

I practically whined"Kaden..."

"Dont Kaden me. That is insane Calla!"

"Please just let him finish what he was saying then you can rave about it all you want. Please Kaden? for me?"

His lips formed a thin line. "Fine."  

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