Ch 24: Everything I Wanted

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A/N oh my gosh tiz my 1 year wattpad anniversary! hehe~

Kaden POV:

I watched the two women glare at one another from their seats across the table, I had coaxed Calla to leave her end of the long table and sit by me.

unfortunately that was also across from Angelica.

I cleared my throat, "ladies..."

Red and blue eyes snapped to me, both pairs softening instantly. The two spoke at once, "Yes Kaden?" "Yes Lord Dawson?"

They glared at one another again.

I rubbed my temples slowly, irritation seeping through me as I watched them stare each other down, "Calla, Angelica. Please do try not to burn holes in my wallpaper with your glaring."

Angelica apologized quickly with a wide smile Calla blinked at me, "...but the room is painted by hand there is no would we..." She drifted off brows furrowing.

Angelica glared at the blonde as she looked adorably confused. I wasn't sure is she was feigning her confusion or not so I just ruffled her hair a bit, "not the point pet."

Calla shrugged, "I know just saying...not wallpaper."

I shook my head at her trying in vain not to let a smile slip onto my face as she sipped at her mimosa, nose crinkling a bit. I looked to Angelica as Calla pushed her glass away, muttering about having enough champagne to last a life time already. "Angelica, when is it your father is expecting you back?"

Angelica waved her hand around, "whenever, you know how fond daddy is of you Kaden."

Calla hummed, "you still live with your dad?"

Why is it she can't seem to read a situation or remember not to provoke vampires?

Angelicas glare returned, "I am a proper lady of society and a daughter of a wealthy man, as his daughter it is my responsibility to help with social events and such until i find myself a husband."

Calla blinked at her, "but...aren't you like old as dirt? shouldn't you be married by now?"

Angelica was turning an unsightly shade of red and I wanted to bang me head against the table.

Why Calla? Why?

And she continued, "I mean doesn't that make you a spinster or whatever?"

please shut up.

"I mean Lord Dawson's old as dirt too but yo-"


Calla looked at me, "yes?"

"Shut up."

She blinked as Angelica smirked in triumph. Not really sure why considering I only told Calla to shut up because I really didn't want to break up a battle between the two.

My pets beautiful little frame wouldn't stand a chance against an enraged vampire.

Calla did as she was told and the three of us spent the rest of breakfast in silence.


I flipped through documents, eyes flickering to the screen where Calla lie curled in her bed sleeping.

Memories of yesterday have been filtering through my brain since earlier in the night, some more vivid than others. My eyes slowly moved over her pale legs on the screen and the rise and fall of her chest.

She really is beautiful

And interesting.

And different.

And very responsive to my touch.

This was going to be a disaster.

She hasn't said a thing but I could tell she was wondering; what would be expected of her now? Would things change? should she just pretend it never happened? Did I want her as a woman or a pet?

I leaned back in my chair, worn out.

I didn't have an answer for any of those, What did I expect of her now, I wanted her to be the same Calla that was for sure but other than that, no clue. Would things change? No clue, I don't know if I want them to. Should she retend it never happened, somehow I think that would infuriate me, sure I don't want her stressing over it too much but a part of me wants her to remember exactly how it felt being touched by me, how I made her cry out in pleasure over and over again. Did I want her as a woman or a pet?

Now that was one hell of a question, I like the power I had over her as a pet, liked that I could dress her up and spoil her rotten in whatever way I chose and she couldn't do anything about it. But I wanted her as a woman, I liked the debates I knew I could have with her late into the day and the knowledge that then I could hold her close as she slept.

Not that it was really possible.

Even if I decided I wanted her more as a woman than a pet the best I could do for her was cover her up a bit more. If I gave her normal clothes it would raise suspicion, I couldn't take off her collar, I couldn't allow her to call me by my name in pubic, I couldn't even offer her a future couldn't offer her children if she ever wanted them. And I wasn't willing to treat her like some mistress or whore, sneaking around while everyone else slept, she deserved more than that.

But she was a human.

And vampires didn't have relationships with humans, they kept them as pets, servants, or slaves, but they didn't sleep with them didn't make love to them and a vampire never made a human fall in love with them or start families with them, we couldn't have children with humans its incompatible, not that any pure vampire would want to 'sully' their bloodline .

I could never be with Calla not really, for one it was illegal to turn a human with going through rigorous system. One a pet could never pass. And even if she did I knew Calla wouldn't want to be a vampire. Even then if she wanted to be, I was expected to marry a lady of high class, born into vampirism.

Calla was a girl from the streets with no record of ever having existed.

Even if I could turn her and keep her with me for the rest of eternity, which isn't guaranteed we could end up despising one another after a hundred years or so, I couldn't be with her. She would eventually have to see me marry and have children of my own. once again she would be left as nothing as a mistress.

Just for a longer period of time.

But I wasn't willing to let her go, I wasn't willing to go back to master and pet I wanted more from her.

She was everything a wanted and everything I couldn't have.

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