Ch 11: Dudes and Dresses

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A/N sorry for the wait! I said why on my profile but just incase you don't follow me, I was gone because anime captured my soul for some time. hehehe.


Rage pumped through my veins as one of the my maids who had been medically trained checked a still drug induced Callas pulse.

Slowly I gazed over my staff, eyes locking on the kitchen staff first. A lot of people worked her vampires and humans alike, it would take too long to find the culprit if I didn't go about this strategically. The people making her food was the obvious place to start although they were also some of my most trusted staff members. They had to be, they did everything from bringing me my damned blood to making food either my guests or I wanted on a whim. Just because I don't need it doesn't mean I don't enjoy flavor from time to time.

I eyed them closely, gaze freezing on the head chef, the man in charge of keeping things orderly in the kitchen, "Care to explain?"

He blinked at me slowly, a mix of fear, worry, and confusion causing his brow to furrow. He looked at Calla a for a moment, seeming genuinely concerned before answering, "I am ashamed to say that I was a bit occupied while breakfast was prepared today. I would not know how the poor thing got into that state."

My eyes narrowed at him, what the hell could he possibly have been doing that was so important that he neglected his actual duties, "And what pray tell where you occupied with?"

He haistly gestured to a shinily wrapped object on a nearby table, "A cake m'lord, a honey sponge cake. Your pet is very fond of sweets and consumes a large amount of honey, I was going to bring it to her for a snack when you called us all here. She is a nice girl and I thought she may enjoy the treat, I am sorry if it was out of line m'lord."

I snached up the package and opened it, the sweet smell on honey hitting me as I did, It was true Calla put honey on her toast, in her tea, on shaved ice, on anything she could really. I waved him off, I wanted Calla happy and had instructed the staff to make her so. "It is fine, but do not forget to watch over the kitchen, if this happens again there will be consequences."

He nodded, bowing a bit in gratitude, "thank you my lord."

I hummed a bit to myself, "tell me do you consider your staff trustworthy?"

"Highly my Lord, if her ailment had come from something she ate, I deeply doubt it was placed in her food by any of the kitchen staff."

"Very well. But if I find that it was one of the kitchen staff, you'll be punished right along with them."

He looked at me nervously but did not protest, "Of course my Lord."

My gaze slid around the room once more, "Who brought her her food this morning? If this isn't solved now Ill just have to question my pet once she is fully recovered and I can assure you the consequences will be much, much worse."

Not that it could get much worse then it would be now, but they didn't need to know that.

The room rippled with nervous energy, yet not one person felt guilty. I seriously didn't want to have to go through every staff member and feel for their guilt. That would take much to long and a lot of energy out of me, I was about to speak when the door cracked open, "Kaaden...oh what happened to the little beast?"

I looked over my shoulder at Angelica, a frown marring my face, "Angelica did you drug my pet?"

The woman looked shocked before she started to laugh, "someone drugged her? Oh that is fantastic! but unfortunately I had no part in that scheme."

Yeah, I didn't think so. Angelica wouldn't even speak to the staff much less command them to go against me. She considered them below her and as much as she hated Calla she was less keen on making me angry. I scanned the room once more, eyes landing on my pet who was curled onto the couch nearby, fast asleep.

She had been convinced that leaving the room I was in would result in her death by multiple vampire and as she put it, 'dying by one with good hair was better than several.' I didn't bother asking what my hair had to do with any of this. "pet."

One blue eye sprung open, "yo."

Her complexion looked better and hear breathing was slower, her eye from what I could see was back to normal, "do you remember who gave you your coffee?"

Calla shrugged, "my new human maid thing."

That gave me pause, none of the maids that would ever be entrusted with the care of my pet, "what did she look like?"

"blonde boy cut...brown eyes, tall. a bit jittery, she was kinda cute in an awkward little sister way."

And that matched absolutely Zero of my staff members.

I grit my teeth, "is anyone knows anything about that woman, now would be a good time to speak."

It was silent.

"you are all dismissed, angelica that means you as well."

The room emptied in seconds, leaving me and Calla alone.

I made my way to her and crouched beside her, "I did not assign you a new maid, pet."

She eyed me for a second, "damn. who was she?"

"I don't know, there are no female staff members who match that specific description, are you sure that was what she looked like?"

She was silent for a moment, nose scrunched in concentration, "Now that you mention it, she also could easily have been a guy."

My brows shot upwards, "...what?"

Another shrug, "You know a very fem guy. In a dress. got any maids like that?"



"That isn't the weird part, I think your still delusional."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm telling you the more I think about it the more I believe she was a he. She walked like a guy, had a serious jawline and arm a bit too toned. She was a guy, in a dress."

Well crap. that makes things harder.

"I was drugged by some dude in a dress....That is so-"

Creepy? weird? gross?


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