Ch 19: The Quiet Game

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 A/N tisk risk you all have dirty minds, very well I shall do my best to write some decent sexual scenes. could be now, could be later. Have yet to decide. this should be fun XD oh and i might update a third time today I haven't decided yet.


This...this could not be happening.

I stared at Kaden, then at his clothes on the pool tile, then Kaden again, "Kaden...I don't suppose you left you're underwear on did you?"

He rose a brow at me, smirking, "want me to get out of the pool so you can see for yourself?"

Ill take that as a no.

"Uh. I'm good."

He rolled his eyes at me, "Calla, pet. why don't you join me?"

"I'm fine."

Kaden frowned, "I insist."

" gown will be ruined."

"I'm naked, its only fair you be naked too."

...what kind of logic is that? "Your naked by choice! I don't want to be naked!"



"If your insecure I can assure you its been arousing seeing you in that gown alone, your nudity is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of."

I blinked at him, "That doesn't help at all."

He disappeared under the blackish water for a moment popping back up at the edge of the pool; dark hair falling into his eyes and a playful grin flashing in the night. He ran his tongue over the little fangs signaling his vampric origin, "Would it help if I took it of for you?"

oh my god. oh my god. someone please sober that man up. "no!"

His smile fell, "Do you not find me attractive?"

I blinked at him, what was I even supposed to say to that? I mean the man was hot as hell but he was a vampire! I turned away, arms crossed, and looked away biting my lip unsure how to respond when I heard the tell tale sound of splashing water.

 Hell no.

I closed my eyes, gasping a bit when I felt him walk up behind me.

 Hell no, no, he isn't. He wouldn't. He won't.

The sound of the zipper cut through the air like knifes followed by the whisper of fabric.

 oh my god he did not just. He did.

Slowly he uncrossed my arms. The dress fell the rest of the way from my body.

That strange purr emitted from his chest, "See pet, that wasn't hard." His cool fingers traced my skin, he placed a single kiss on the back of my neck causing me to gasp, " beautiful."

I felt my heart thrumming in my chest as my breath quickened. "Kaden. you're right. swimming sounds fun lets go swimming."

He grunted as If displeased, "I don't want to go swimming anymore."

"...but I do. You got to swim its only fair I get to swim."

He was quiet for a moment, "fine."

Praise the lord he was a stupid drunk.

"If it gets you wet we'll do it."

Scratch that, the cunning perv.

Nevertheless I calmly walked to the pool, not even daring to look over my shoulder less I see Kaden jr.

My face flushed with the thought.

I stepped onto the first step and submerged myself in the surprisingly warm water slowly, Nervous. I mean wearing practically nothing was one thing but being naked was another.

Especially since I knew Kaden harbored some fantasies about me.

I could hear Kaden get into the pool behind me, I gasped when he gripped my waist, "happy Calla?"

 No. "yes. thank you Kaden."

He hummed behind me, "don't lie to me pet. I can hear you're thoughts remember?"

I really wanted to bang my head against a wall. "O-oh.."

"why are you nervous."

"I'm naked."

"So am I."

I bit my lip, "that doesn't help."

"Calla. Are you familiar with men?"


His hands ran down from my waist and to my hips, pulling me flush again him.

I gasped, heat pooling in my lower belly and a blush turning my face red. oh. my. fucking. god. "K-Kaden!"

"You have a fantastic ass Calla, watching it wiggle as you stepped into the pool was torture you know." He stroked my skin with his thumbs, his arousal evident against my back. "I don't think I've ever seen something so fucking enticing."

I bit back the snarky retort -knowing it would probably only encourage him- in favor of squirming a bit, my temperature rising. "Kaden..."


"can you umm, back up a bit maybe?"

His laugh echoed through the room. his hands running from my hips over my thighs, "no."


"You heard me pet. The way I see it if you want to move you can."

I tried to move away. his grip tightened. "uh Kaden."

"I said you could I never said I wouldn't hinder your escape."

Bastard knew I couldn't match up with his vampiric strength, "what can I do to get you to let go?"

His lips brushed against my ear his voice growing husky "Play a game with me."

"You're drunk."

"And you have incredibly soft skin pet."

I took a deep breath, "what kind of game?"

I could feel him grinning against my skin, "the quiet game."


 A/N: bwhahaha I am sorry its so short but come on how could I not just cut off there? and don't worry people there will be details in my sexual situations. Not sure how well written it will be so some feedback after the first time will be nice though, life's more fun if you talk dirty hehe~

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