Ch 18: Damn Him That Bipolar Drunk.

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 A/N: Just because I'm asking does not mean it will happen either way..BUT how would you, my readers, feel if things in this book got a bit hmm how should I put this? Oh I know!

Sexual. Dirty. fun.

Because somehow in the last chapter I'm all like 'oh hey lets make Kaden dominating as fuck between the sheets!' and after reading the chapter over I'm like 'that may be a waste to not get kinky if i implied it...what to do? OH ILL ASK THE READERS!"

 Incase you couldn't tell this is me asking. Its been a while since I've written something sexy but hey I may give it a shot if you guys want things to go that way. Otherwise it will just be implied like in WLBTT.


Calla POV:

Damn him.

Damn that leach son of a bitch, that illegitimate, proper bastard. Damn him to hell.

He needs to stop drinking before someone notices that he's well on his way to being a drunken puddle.

Damn him and his slinky predators walk, damn him and his deceptive smile.

Damn him and his hand tracing my spine.

And fuck the leering vampires he's talking to. 

Their creepy eyes traced my body as Kaden calmly somehow managed not to slur even in the slightest. His voice was calm and cold as usual, but he smelled like booze.

Then again its a party everyone smells like booze, maybe thats why not a single person has noticed but me.

My eyes found that of one of the other vampires pets, a short cautious looking girl with weary eyes. She was staring right at me, that same look the other pets got when they looked at me plastered onto her face.

I wanted to ask her what the hell was wrong but knew better of it with all the blood suckers around me.

And a drunk Kaden, god knows what he would say if I did something stupid.

Instead I smiled a bit at the girl and inclined my head in a polite nod of acknowledgment.

She looked taken aback but retired the gesture with some hesitation, eyes flashing to the vampires around her as if nervous.

Her owner looked over to me, eyes narrowing, "Lord Dawson, has your pet ever spent time with another of her...kind."

Kaden shrugged elegantly, "No. Calla does not get along with others well."

I wanted to grab Kadens drink and chug it under the weight of their stares. But refrained and smiled softly.

Another one with dark blonde hair and a permanent frown eyed me oddly, "really...she seems so quite. Polite."

Kaden looked me over, "Is that so?"

The vampires seemed to take a closer look, the blonde speaking again, "You stand more prideful than you should little pet."

My eyes narrowed slightly, "I am proud."

Kadens hand stilled on my back.

The vampire seemed taken aback, "is that so?"

"I am in a beautiful gown, next to my master. Is that not something to be proud of? I am proud that he sees me worthy enough to wear such things."

He was quiet. Kaden was still.

The other pets looked terrified.

The vampire laughed, smacking a hand on his own pets back, "See that Rabbit? that there is a woman and a pet rolled into one. Lord Dawson you really must tell me how you trained that pretty little thing!"

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