Ch 8: Only Time Will Tell

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        I sputtered and choked, did he really just say that? Kaden was the illegitimate son of the Vampire king, the man who basically ruled the whole flipping world? I stared at him wide eyed, "...what?"

        Irritation flashed in his eyes, "you heard me pet, stop gawking like some bloody fool."

        Well his British comes out when hes angry, that's for sure, its hard to believe I ever mistook him for anything else with his accent that heavy. "Do you honestly expect me to be unfazed, your a prince a fucking prince!"

        His irritation seemed to grow and he slammed his wine glass onto the table, blood sloshing over the edge, "Calla that is enough. I assure you I am by no means a prince."

        "But your the son of the king!"

        "The illegitimate son. I do not receive the title of Prince."

        I was quite for a moment; taking in my discovery of another imperfection in Kaden, another that was not his fault. after another long moment I sighed, "Sorry."

        "no reason to be sorry pet, it is a long complicated story with many many flaws I do not expect you to understand."

        I nodded and did my best to shift the conversation "thank you for the dress, It is going to be very pretty."

        "Not a problem pet, according the tailor she had you in mind while designing it anyways."

        We lapsed into silence once more and stayed that way for the rest of the meal.


Kaden POV

        I watched her pace the room, her deep black hair flowing behind her, "Kaden, darling please explain once more?"

            I took a sip of my scotch, eyes flashing the computer screen displaying where Calla was asleep in her bed; blonde hair thrown carelessly over the pillows. "That dress is going to my pet, it has enough coverage for her to remain modest enough but still displays her beauty, besides I know just what collar to use for it, it saves me time from picking out another or having a new collar made."

        She whined at me, "But Kaden baby, picked that dress!"

        "and I'm paying for it. you'll pick another."

        She huffed before stalking toward me, a small smirk making its way onto her face, "wouldn't you like to see that dress on me though? Rip it off my body later in the night as the sun is fast approaching?"

         Speaking of sun, I couldn't figure out what the hell I was sitting here listing to this when it literally just fell an hour ago. I didn't bother pointing out that if I really wanted to rip that dress off of anyone I could just as easily rip it from Call's slim, warm, flesh. And with her I could drink her blood freely in the throws of passion without worrying about unnecessary attachment. Unfortunately I would never violate my pet in such a way, "You look horrible in blue Angelica."        

        She gaped at me, "o-oh Well then I suppose I could pick another dress if It pleases you."

        Frankly I don't give a damn what she wore, "you never had a choice in the matter. do so quickly."

        She was quite for a moment.

        It was painfully obvious she had no intention on leaving, "You are dismissed Angelica." 

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