Ch 58: Maybe

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A/N: hi. Some of you were all like 'huh what?' at the end of last chapter which made me sad cuz you know I like to stuff things with poetic crap...oh well.


Kaden POV:

I watched Calla's eyes brighten as she laughed, slim fingers brushing over Gwens shoulders.

I was happy the two got along so well. That someone other than myself was there for Calla.

Women needed...other women in certain areas of their life because frankly no matter how old I get I will never understand why women act the way they do. Why curtains matter so much and what exactly it is that makes them watch or read things they know will only make them upset.

So Calla having Gwen was a relief. If she ever needed to talk to someone about girl things she could do it with Gwen, if she ever had a problem with aspects of our relationship that she is nervous to talk about with me she can always go to gwen first.

The two of them started up giggling again as the chaos Gwen called hair tried to swallow Callas hair brush. My brother walked over and tried to help them detangle the mess, "Brother..."

I looked up, "Yes Aldric?"

"You have strange taste."

Calla kicked him in the shin and reffered to him as a monkey humper.

Whatever that was.

Gwen laughed and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as Calla joined in, Aldric looking nothing if not annoyed.

I shook my head, "Ladies."

Gwen looked at me while Calla looked around the room dramatically, "WHERE?!"

I chuckled, "Calla love you know that is not what I meant."

She shrugged, "I also know I'm no lady."

I shook my head at her, She may be a bit loud and sometimes a little crude but she had an elegance about her when it was necessary.

she was graceful when called for and charming when needed.

"Sure you are baby, you're a lady when you need to be."

She laughed lightly and left Gwen to saunter over to me, "are you sure lady is the word you're looking for?"

I didn't miss the seductive tone that seeped into her voice, her lips curving ever so slightly.

I ignored my brother snort of disgust, pulling Calla into my lap and stroking her hair as she snuggled into me.

Aldric would never understand the allure of a woman when her voice just hit that slow sweet tone, that almost silent dare to take them to bed. He would never understand the hypnotizing sway of a full, round, hips as she walked or the way a woman moved when removing every scrap of fabric she wore.

A good woman like Calla does it slowly and teasingly, A great woman like her strips every ounce of lady like behavior with her clothing and turns herself from a lady to your very own personal harlot.

But Aldric would never understand the way full red lips and small white teeth feel on the skin, he would never understand the allure of soft pliant flesh curving into a small trim waist. He would never understand the feeling of full thighs wrapped around you and long nails on your back.

He definitely wouldn't understand the appeal of a woman's soft mewls and moans.

Which in reality was probably fortunate for me. Calla insists my brother and I are the same in many ways right down to our fascination with things that break social norms.

If it wasn't for the fact I knew his preference in bed I would probably be highly conceded by his frequent conversations with her and his tendencies to mention her beauty quite often.

I didn't understand it but Aldric was fascinated by her appearance often referring to her as something from a painting and commenting on everything from her lashes to the curve of her breasts.

Calla seemed flattered by the fact he still thought her beautiful even if she wasn't exactly his type and when she was happy so was I.

So oddly enough I let my brother talk about my loves breasts and body without even blinking.

I think it reinforced that she was truly beautiful not only sexually. She needs that, I know that no matter how many times I tell her how beautiful she is I'm still the man who gave her a closet full of skimpy clothes she has to wear even if neither of us enjoy it all that much and I'm still the man who takes her to bed.

Sometimes that gets in the way of her ability to see just how truly beautiful she is, I know she worries over how long my love will last for her.

Yesterday I walked into our room only to find articles about aging open on the laptop and Calla was staring in front of the bathroom mirrors poking and prodding at her face.

She was worried about losing her youthful beauty, looking up how long it took of a woman to start showing age lines, looking for ways to keep signs of age from showing, diet plans to keep her figure and everything she could possibly think of.

She was only 18, nearly 19 and was already worrying about her age.

It hurt me a bit to see it all, to see how sad she looked as she stared in the mirror but some part of me knew it would only upset her if she knew I knew she was worrying over it so instead I backed away from the room and alerted her of my presence before re entering.

She was sitting on the bed, laptop closed and small smile on her face as I walked in, acting as if nothing was wrong, even the sadness was gone from her eyes as she kissed me and asked me how my day was.

I still see that sadness from time to time and it worries me.

I had spend the rest of the night until she fell asleep cuddling with her kissing her softly, and watching drab movies she found sweet. I didn't make love to her she seemed so breakable in my mind then and I was worried about doing anything to increase her insecurity.

I knew we didn't have very much time in our relationship due to the fact the she ages while I do not but I honestly hadn't thought Calla had given it much thought.

I hadn't thought she have started buying applying anti aging products at such a young age.

But she did. Seeing some invisible flaw or line she did, while I was so deeply in love with the woman I didn't even think to realize she thought about such things.

I kissed Callas head gently, causing her to turn her big blue eyes on me.

She didn't seem sad now, she looked at me like I was some amazing thing she had never encountered, adoration swimming in her eyes.

I smiled softly, "I love you."

She looked a tad taken aback at the suddenness of the statement but broke out into grin, "I love you too Kaden."

I heard Gwen awe and Aldric make a comment about fools in love but didn't really care all the much in the moment.

All I could think about was that maybe, just maybe it got through to her this time.

Maybe it got through to her and she would realize she didn't need to worry about lines in her skin and maybe a little extra weight. Maybe now she would realize that she was too young to worry about things like aging, that I loved her because she was beautiful on the inside.

I hoped it got through to her, at least for a little while.

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