Ch 41: Better in the Long Run.

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A/N: hi. Kinda sad some of you had forgotten oh well. heh ready for some drama? I am~ the question is while it be this chapter or the next...or maybe the one after that >:3


Calla POV

I stroked my fingers over Kadens bare chest lightly as he sipped at his scotch reading some document I was sure was important.

If it wasn't important he wouldn't bring it to bed.

his eyes flicked over to my figure sprawled over the sheets "Pet, you're distracting me."

I hummed lightly at him, tracing little swirls over where i should feel the beating of his heart, "that was the point m'lord."

I think he caught on to the playfully seductive tones in my voice because his glass froze halfway to his lips and all his attention was turned onto me. "Calla.."

I picked up the glass and straddled him, slamming the crystal on the bedside table before gently plucking the papers from his hand, "Kaden. the Vicrofts pet is coming tomorrow and I'll know you'll be too busy to spend time with me. I get lonely you know. So how about you show me some attention before I lose you for god knows how long?"

He looked over my scantily clad form before looking at the papers on the nightstand.

Hell to the no, I picked this outfit for battle I was not going to lose to some paperwork. Leaning forward I kissed him pressing myself against him as seductively as I could.

Never done the seduction thing, I consider that Kadens job.

Mines to wear sexy clothes, do the dirty with a super hot vampire, and eat a lot of food.

fucking love my job.

"baby...I need to work."

I pouted at him, "Kaden sweetheart, honey, sugar...I need you to work me over."

His hands wondered my thighs, "as much as I would enjoy the exercise this is important."

My face fell, and I sat up straight, still straddling his hips, "too important to even play for an hour or so?"

He hesitated a moment, eyes roving me with desire and regret, "ye- are you wearing the belly ring with my initial on it?"

I glaced down at the diamond and ruby belly ring, the red K glimmering in the light, "yeah."

I thought that he would like it if I did...

He groaned, "bloody hell love you just want to make this hard on me."

I blinked at him, "...if you don't want me crawling all over you might I suggest becoming ugly?..and losing the accent." That damn accent melts me every time...especially when paired with that smirk..

He glance at the paperwork again.

I pulled my top off.

That got his attention.

ha in your face paperwork.

Running both hands up his chest I practically purred at him, "c'mon Kaden we never got to play some of those fun games you promised."

He let out a colorful stream of swears, half of which I didn't fully understand but knew were bad.

Gritting his teeth he shook his head, "sorry baby but no."

I gaped at him for a moment, no? did he just tell me no? over some papers?! Rage boiled inside me, this was our last night together before everything gets busy and he wants to ignore me over paperwork!? I had to admit that stung more than I would have liked, "..we don't have to have sex if you don't want to...I just want to spend time with you."

He looked away, "sorry Calla I need to get this done."

Offended, angry, and a bit embarrassed, I grabbed my top glaring at Kaden as I threw it on. "Fine."

I threw some of my stuff in a bag and headed for the door. Kaden stared at me wide eyed, "Calla...."

"Have a nice night with your fuckin paperwork Kaden. I'll be in my room if you need me."

I slammed the door before he could say anything else.


Kaden POV:

what just happened?

How did my gorgeous little pet and lover go from straddling me topless to storming out of the room in five seconds flat?

Its not like I wanted to say no to her.

I don't like saying no to Calla, She gets sad or apparently angry.

I don't like her sad and I really don't like her angry. Not at me at least, she's cute when she's screaming and glaring at people that aren't me.

I debated going after her and dragging her back to the room with me. But what good would that do? I still have to go through those papers and she would still be mad.

I couldn't put it off because it pertained to the both of us but I didn't want to tell her yet because I didn't want to upset her.

I looked at the hardwood door, either way she ended up upset.

This is better in the long run...She can cool off an I can get this done.

If I didn't get it done then there would be a huge problem on our hands and she would end up more that upset, she would end up seriously hurt.

This is better in the long run.

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