Ch 25: A Kings Son

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A/N this chapter shall be good and important!...I think


Calla POV:

I was shocked when a maid told me that Kaden wanted to see me in his office, I haven't heard a peep from him in four days.

So when she told me that I needed to get up early to see the master of the house I naturally stood there confused for a few minutes.

Then I curled my hair more precisely than I ever have before.

I didn't want to impress him I didn't need to look stunning, I just didn't want to...disappoint.

It was stupid and I knew it but I couldn't help it. A chunk of me wanted the damn leach to look at me like he wanted to sink his fangs into me for more than just my blood.

God I was such a slut.

Beh, could be worse.

I could be Angelica.


Slipping on my heels and glancing in the mirror I nodded, strolling out the door and down the hall.

I didn't bother knocking on Kaden's door, I just walked right into the study, the heavy wood door clicking closed behind me.

He looked at me for a long moment, "pet."

"you wanted to see me?"

He nodded gesturing for me to come closer, I did. He pulled me down onto his lap the moment was close enough, "You look beautiful today my little flower."

I smiled a bit, "thank you..."

It was quite for a long moment, "do you know why I called you here?"


I'm such a liar.

He's selling me off isn't he?

or is he going to return me to the shop?

or lock me away in a different wing of the house?

or tell me he may have given me an STD with his tongue?

Oh...he probably wants to talk about what he did to me with his tongue...

Conversation aversion activate! "did you're fangs really fall out?! can I see them?"

He gave a small chuckle, "no pet my fangs did not fall out. We do need to have a serious conversation though."

I bit my lip and looked at my lap, nervous.

He must have sensed that because he began rubbing the back of my neck lightly, speaking lowly and calmly, "What we did should never have happened...but I cannot honestly say I regret it. You are darling and charming and everything a woman should be-"

I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear blushing furiously.

"-you deserve the world and I want nothing more to give it to you, but I cannot. I wish I could tell you that I would throw away ever rule in society and make you mine, that I would tell them all to be damned and sweep you off into the sunset if you would have me; like one of those drab and tacky romance novels but I cannot."

I looked up at him sadly, "I know but if it helps, I would prefer the kidnapping thing like in one of those dirty romance novels where they do the nasty every three pages."

His laughter echoed through the room dying down as his eyes met mine, "you really are a darling little thing, you know that don't you?"

I shook my head, honestly even I found myself annoying sometimes.

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