Ch 30: Our Little Secret

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A/N: got my new super Kawaii hello kitty phone cover! haha its going to cause some confusion when the goth chick pulls out a pastel pink hello kitty phone~ but hey life's no fun if I can't confuse the shit outa people sometimes besides, its gonna be so kawaii with my lolita stuff~

Alright bitches! ready for some romance?!



Calla POV:

I stared at myself in the mirror, still in shock from what Kaden had said yesterday.

Still in shock from what he told me the moment we got home and were left completely alone in his office; "I want to be with you, Calla."

I blinked at my own reflection, brushing through my hair in a daze.

 "It hasn't even been long and I'm sick of playing master and pet already."

I closed my eyes and bit my lip to keep from smiling.

 "I need you more than I have ever needed anyone, I refuse to keep myself from you."

Letting out a soft sigh I threw on my silk robe and waltzed into his room, he looked up at me a soft smile etched onto his face before going back to whatever he had been working on.

 "I can't give you the public, loving, relationship someone as beautiful as you deserves."

I sat on the bed, leaning my head against his shoulder.

 "but I will do everything for you Calla, I would be thrilled to be yours if you will take me, it may be a secret but it would be our little secret."

His fingers intertwined with my on the silky sheets, his thumb stroking my skin softly.

He had stated it in such an old fashioned way, asking if I would take him, but somehow it gave me a feeling of strength. It leveled the playing field and reminded me that Kaden would never force something upon me.

His smile when I said yes was a breathtaking mix between relief and excitement. He had started promising me so many things, telling me of all the wonderful places in the world he would show me. Kissing my hands and face like I was the most beautiful and delicate thing he had ever come across he promised me in soft whispers that he would always be there when I needed him and even when I didn't.

It was easily the sweetest thing I had ever heard in my entire life, and after everything was said and done he lead me back to his room.

Kaden showered me with soft kisses and gentile caresses, not once crossing the line into sexual territory.

It was like that night was devoted to me and only me, to showing me that I was important to him.

I had fallen asleep in his cool embrace with his fingers stroking over my back and through my hair, sweet nothings being whispered into my ear.

But it wasn't until I woke up, still in his arms and looked over his sleeping face; relaxed and content as if there was no better place his unconscious mind would rather be than with me, that I decided.

I decided that saying yes would probably end up being the biggest mistake of my life.

But I didn't bring myself to give a damn because I wanted to be with him for as long as I could, some mistakes are worth making.

Kaden toyed with my fingers lightly, "what are you thinking about Calla?"

I smiled, knowing he could just take a peek in my head if he wanted. "nothing much, I'm just...happy."

Offering me an insanely charming smirk he chuckled, "Well I knew that much."

Curling into him I gave a happy sigh, "I was thinking about last night."

"What about it pet?"

I felt my toes curl a bit when he called me that, the seductive hits he used to lace into the word more prominent than ever and riddled with what could only be called adoration.

Never thought I would, but I adore that nickname.

"I...I can't believe this is real, I just don't want this, you, to suddenly go away."

Kaden tilted my chin up and kissed me slowly, "It won't, I won't."





I grinned at him and kissed a trail up his jaw, "seriously?"

He chuckled, "seriously. I even have a surprise for you later on in the night."

"I swear to god Kaden if it a gag on a blindfold I'm going to kill you."

Smirking devilishly he shook his head, "Calla baby, that wouldn't be a surprise, you know thats coming. Tonights something different...I will have you swooning by dawn though guaranteed.

I laughed, "sure you will buddy."

he just smirked at me, total confidence flashing through his eyes.

...oh crap he's serious. "...Kaden.."

Swiftly removing his hand from mine he slid off the bed, "sorry love, I need to get some work done and you're distracting with your robe practically falling from you like that. See you later."

The door shut before I could even get a word in.

Damn tricky vampire.

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