Ch 39: You Loooveee Her!!

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A/N: I am happy to tell the lot of you that my other book Soul Is getting good responses from those who have read it so far! I don't think it will be as popular as this book or WLBTT because well its not all that of a popular genre (Although I did put it under probably gonna change that idk) I felt like sharing my joy so HERE HAVE SOME HAPPINESS!


Kaden POV:

I had waited until Calla had fallen asleep to finish my work, knowing full well that she would 'kill' me for not getting enough sleep if she found out  but it was worth it. I wanted to spend the day with her today.

Plus I managed to get enough sleep in so no worries.

She stirred in bed next to me, her fingers tracing over my chest as she slowly opened her eyes, "...hi Kaden."

"hello Calla."

She giggled a bit and kissed my chest, tracing her fingers lightly up and down my abs, "We get to spend the day together right?"

She asks that like its possible for me to say no to her when she's giving me that look. "of course baby."

She gave a tiny content sigh and sprawled herself out on the bed, "What do you want to do?"

I had a few ideas but knew full well that they could wait. "hmmm...we can figure out which of us is getting breakfast."

her laugh chimed through the room like silver bells, "you are."

I chuckled, knowing full well she was going to say that, "..If i get breakfast your getting lunch."

"I wish we could get room service."

"do you want to put clothes on?"

She shot me a smirk, "Do you want me to?"

I shook my head at her, getting out of bed and slipping on some sweats, before making my way to the door, "touché."

Calla stopped me before I could open the door, "Kaden honey..."

I rose a brow at her, nice to know I get the same name as her favorite food. "yes love?"

"You may want to put a shirt on..."

I furrowed my brows, my scar was a secret from most but my staff had been with me so long I trusted them an they have known for many years, "why?"

She just giggled and flopped onto the bed, watching me with playful blue eyes.

Shaking my head I walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror, unable to help but chuckle at what I saw, She had taken what was clearly an eyeliner pencil and written over parts of my chest an abdominals, "...Calla what the?"

"Its my satyrical rant about men who work when told to cuddle."

I looked over my shoulder at her, eyes wide.

"Remove it and i'll kill you."

I didn't believe that for a second but threw on a black t-shirt to appease her rather than scrub it off before I let the room.


Calla POV:

"Have you ever gone skydiving?"

Kaden laughed, "no. never saw the point of jumping from a plane."

I kissed his jaw lightly, "the rush...the danger and the way it feels, its freeing or something. Makes sense, no ones can tell you what to do when your already falling, when your plummeting."

He was silent for a moment, "that does sound nice."

I sighed leaning my head on his shoulder, "I wish I could fly, I want to see the world where everyone is a speck."

"Well I can't make you fly but I can show you some old temples and mountains that make the world look almost nonexistent when your on the top."

I looked up at him, "Would you really do that Kaden? would you really take me all those places."

"so long as it makes you feel free."

My lips parted in surprise my heart melting in realization, he can't free me but he wants me to feel like I am he wants me to be, "Oh Kaden..."

His eyes went wide as the locked onto mine and his hand quickly cupped my face, "hey, hey Calla love don't cry."

I pulled him close to me kissing him deeply, "how could I not? You do everything for me and I don't do nearly enough."

He shot me a strange look, "I make you wear a collar every day and don't even hold your hand in public."

I opened my mouth to speak when a voice cut in, "...Why not?"

The both of us jumped and I scrambled to make sure everything was covered, having forgotten I had thrown on a silk robe earlier. Kaden meanwhile was frozen to the spot. I followed his gaze to the door, jaw dropping wen the curly haired brunet flashed  me a smile, "G-Gwen?!"

She grinned, "hi Calla! Nice hickey."

I started hyperventilating, I'm going to die. I haven't even got to do much in life and I'm going to die. I'm going to be decapitated beside Kaden.

Oh god, Kadens going to die.

Tears filled my eyes falling freely from my lashed as breathing got even harder. I could feel Kaden trying to calm me down and Gwens worried voice asking if I was okay.

Kaden was kind enough to yell at her and tell her I was having a panic attack and was in fact not okay.

It felt like hours of Gwens panicking my panicking and Kadens switching between telling gwen to shut up and whispering soothing words into my ear before I finally stopped crying and my breathing went back to normal. I looked up at the two vampires with watery eyes, "w-whats go-"

Kaden cut me off, "nothings going to happen Calla your going to be fine Gwen here is-"

Gwen chimed in, "Like I said to you at the ball Kaden needs some flower power, as he knows I would never hurt him and I ship it so yay! love you guys, heh. I was just gonna ask if Calla could come see a movie...and uh forgot to knock. sorry."

Kaden looked genuinely surprised, "so I'm not going to have to frame you for some scandal and get you with thrown in prison or exiled. excellent, that would have gone over horribly with you brother."

We stared at him in shock before Gwen laughed, "Awwww you loooveee her!!"

I blushed and buried my face in his chest while Kaden very kindly told her to shut up.

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