Ch 37: Dinner

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A/N okay so hi guys! a lot of you asked me to say what my newest book is about and so I decided it be best I just tell you in an author's note heh

Its called Soul (may change to different name later) I've done the bad boy thing, I've done the fairy thing, I've done the werewolf thing, I've done the vampire thing...and now I'm doing the 'death' (don't worry I'm not naming death Death, that would make me want to beat my head against a wall his names badass, promise)  thing...and rather than explain the whole thing I'm give you all the little summary I'ma put after the excerpt in my 'book description' part when I start posting it (which I still haven't decided when that will be):

    ~Jinx Clemens was not the best daughter, not the best sister, and not the best student. She was just living through her lifeher curiousity often causing her trouble not that she really minded, she never even bothered trying to hide the trouble she got into. Bored by things easily and easy with her words she always managed to slip past the worst situations...until something new came knocking, something dangerous. something that would flip her world around and throw it to the wolves. Jinx can escape trouble with her faux charm but there wasnt single soul who could avoid that pesky monster we call death.

P.s. If anyone plays Dragonvale that adorable little app...wanna be friends?


Calla POV

I curled into Kadens bed, It smelled just like him, soothing my frazzled mind.

I wondered if he would manage to get that boy.

Probably, if I knew anything about Kaden it was that in the end, he always got what he wanted.

Rolling over I sighed, I understood where Kaden was coming from, he's a good man and he wants to keep me safe. I can't be mad at him for that.

But still, I'm worried about how easy it is for him to flip the 'lets kill the human' switch. I know its not uncommon in his culture but I think I got so used to him being so gentile with me that I forgot.

Just because he kisses me softly and pampers me like a freaking queen doesn't mean that he sees all humans as equal or worthy beings.

I guess after his wanting to be with me, I forgot he may not feel as warm toward other humans.

But I never expected the whole killing subject to come up I mean I get thats how the world tends to work but...Kaden has always been different than everyone.

It never even crossed my mind that he would treat anyone differently.

Maybe it was just be because he was worried about me that he was so eager to rid us of this problem. Maybe it was because of all of these stressful things coming into our life, maybe he couldn't take another...

A knock sounded at the door and my creepy maid scurried in, "Master wishes you to come down for dinner with the Vicrofts and his friends."

I nodded checking my hair and makeup before slipping on my shoes and making my way to the dining room.

I sat next to Kaden as Directed, smiling a bit as the vicrofts pets looked a little lost sitting there to eat with their masters. I was sure it was abnormal. I made idle chatter with Gwen and shot looks of measurement to Sasha and her brothers. It was obvious the poor things had not forgotten Kaden's little outburst from when we visited them, poor things.

I smiled as the food was served a very french dish full of beef and vegetables in a wine sauce. I nearly moaned around my first mouthful as Kaden handed me some fresh bread.

That man knows exactly what I like I have a sneaking feeling he has started throwing in 'suggestions' to the kitchen of things he knew I would enjoy. Taking a chunk of my bread I glanced over at the Vicrofts pets, I knew they were fed very well, nothing demeaning but I did wonder if they ever got fancy food. Looking at them I knew they did, just probably not as often as I do.

I discreetly slipped a hand under the table rubbing small circles into him, his eyes flickered over to me and he took my hand in his one, sipping at his crystal glass I knew was filled with more than just wine.

I looked at him slightly confused, he never drank blood with dinner, sometimes he would drink it rather than eat his meal but he had always made sure he had his needed amount before dinner, did he not have time today?

He shot me a reassuring smile and squeezed my hand softly.

Dinner was full of quiet chatter.

Not once did Kaden go out of his way to talk to the Vicrofts.

It must not have gone very well earlier.

As the servants started clearing plates Kadens smooth voice reached my ears, "pet."

I looked up at him, "yes m'lord?"

"After dessert show the Vicrofts pets around the home we still have much to discuss."

I nodded softly, grining as this fabulous slice of honey cake surrounded by ice cream topped with strawberries and drizzled in chocolate.

I took back what I had said earlier, Kaden might just get laid tonight.

I felt more than heard him chuckle signaling that he had been wondering in my mind.

Taking my first bite into what was easily the best dessert ever mentally prepared myself for the house tour...maybe we could stop my the kitchen and nab more cake...

Kaden chuckled again.


I bit into the slice of Cake, "so uh this place is huge..I don't really know where to take you guys..."

Sasha smiled, "well...where do you like to be?"

I thought for a second, "the gardens are beautiful I like to walk through there sometimes, Lord Dawson keeps them very well lit."

She smiled whimsically, "He treats you so well..."

I nodded, "That he does."

" you always eat such decadent things?"

I shrugged, "not always but it is often, Lord Dawson likes his things to be...decadent."

She murmured to herself, "so lovely, is your room just as beautiful as everything in the house?"

I hesitated a moment, would she ask to see it if I said yes? what would she think once she realized all of my things were not there, " was yes."

Lewis frowned at me, "was?"

"I no longer live in my old room."

"why not..."

"I have been having terrible night terrors. Lord Dawson was gracious enough to allow me to stay with him for the time being."

The three of them murmured as once, "how nice."

They actually bought it...thank god.

Sasha looked out the window, eyes widening, "are those the gardens?"

I smiled at her wide eyes look, "yes."

She let out an amazed breath, "the Lords home is truly beautiful."

I giggled a bit, "you should see the pools."


A/N special thanks to lilkitty21 for pointing out my name slip up~ ><

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