Ch 27: Cookies

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A/N: AUTHOR TO THE RESCUE! lol kay so some of you guys seemed misunderstand my poor baby Calla's intentions last chapter, so since my darling Kaden isn't real to defend her honor, I will. (yes I realize refferning to my characters like my children is weird.) She wasn't really going to have sex with Kaden that was her Calla like way of trying to get him to smile or laugh or loosen up a bit or whatever.

I apologize if I did not get that point across properly in my writing~

Oh and that photo, yeah thats callas outfit~


Kaden POV:

"Calla, come were going out."

I watched her freeze, fork sticking out of her mouth, cheeks filled with cake, "hmm?"

I rose a brow at her as she mumbled around her food, swallowing and licking her fork clean.

Such a lady my pet.

Rising form the table she stuffed a cookie in her top and nodded, "where are we going?"

I chose to ignore the fact that she just stuffed food in her highly expensive chemise, "to visit an acquaintance of mine."

"...and I need to be there?"

"he has several pets, I figured you may enjoy spending some time with some other humans."

She smiled a bit, pointing at her clothes, "should I smuggle some more snacks or is this place gonna have some good food?"

" should remove the cookie from your breasts and go change into what I had one of the maids lay out for you."

She pouted, "but, I like these cookies."

I couldn't help but smile at her crestfallen look, did she really expect me to let her walk around with a cookie stuffed in her clothing? "I will have someone pack you some to take with you."

She grinned at me walking up to my and taking my hand. Before I knew it she had pulled the cookie from her person and smacked it into my open palm, "you deserve a cookie for being suck a wonderful man, so here yah go!"

She gave me a small salute and marched away.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the girls antics.

Setting the cookie down on the table I waited for her to change and return.

I looked up at the sound of clicking heels, smiling a bit when I saw her grinning, "I have to hand it to you Kaden this is actually really cool."

I nodded, motioning for her to give me a twirl. She did so happily in her muted gold shoes, "beautiful pet."

She giggled and toyed with her pearl and gold collar, twirling the chain of pearl leash around her fingers, "I honestly expected something more revealing and skanktastic this is actually like sexy but not hey look at my butt!"

I rose a brow at her, "the clothing you are provided is not...skanktastic. It is meant to accentuate your beauty to its fullest pet."

"I think you sick fucks just like humiliating humans so you stick them in revealing lingerie and shit."

"That is probably part of it as well."

She rolled her eyes but adjusted the low cut jacket she was wearing, "I look like a bad ass rococo painting come to life modern mafia version."

"...That doesn't even make sense."

She ignored me, flicking the pearls hanging from her navel, "how long are we gonna be at this dudes house?"

I walked up to her gently taking her leash and leading her from the mansion to the waiting car, "not to long I would hope."

She nodded moving into the car, "by the way my lord, I do believe you forgot my cookies."

I pulled the one she had handed to my earlier from my pocket and stuffed it in her mouth.


Calla laughed under her breath, "ha your mansions bigger than his."

I shook my head as the driver opened the door, allowing both Calla and I to exit the vehicle. Giving him a brief nod I took a light hold over Callas leash and walked up the steps where Alexander Vicroft was waiting with his wife and three of their pets.

They were...collectors.

Calla looked around curiously as the couple looked over her with the same emotion flickering in their eyes. I smiled softly at Mrs Vicroft and took her hand, hissing it gently, "It is lovely to see you again Bethany."

The woman's cheeks stained a faint pink, "always our pleasure Lord Dawson."

I glanced at Alexander, reaching for the clip on Callas leash, "Do you mind if I let her off? She gets a bit curious and I don't want her tripping if she takes a step to far."

I could practically feel the blonde glaring at me behind her hair.

Alexanders eyes lit up with mirth, "not at all, wouldn't want the poor thing hurting herself. She won't stray will she?"

If she does you'll find her easily, she's wherever the yelling or crashing is coming from, "not at all." I unhooked her leash, wrapping it around itself and placing it the hands of a nearby maid.

Calla peered over me at the trio of humans, all wearing matching black collars. Bethany smiled at her, "..These three are Jack, Lewis, and Sasha they will be keeping you company for the day."

Calla peered at them all curiously as if deciding wether or not she was okay with that, glancing at me she nodded and offered the three humans a reluctant smile to which the seemed rather confused.

"I could have sworn you mention Jack, Lewis, and Sasha having a brother while we were at the ball."

Alexander offered a small smile, "he is sick today poor thing."

I hummed in response, "Calla."

Her head shot to me so fast it sent her curls bouncing, "yes m'lord?"

"Go off and play, I have some business to attend to."

She hesitated a moment before nodding and following the three through the door."

I looked over at the two vampires after they had gone, "So, shall we take this inside, I am afraid my business is very important. I do not have time for idle chatter.


A/N: Double update maybe? chapters short or at least it feels that way idk.

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