Ch 34: First Step.

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A/N: hello again darlings! are we ready for the next chapter that I currently have no idea what i'm going to write about in which is why Im typing this instead? no? me neither. lets see how this works out.

oh and has anyone read the book Demons at Deadnight? tis not a wattpad book but it is a fantastic book you should all read yeah~ its super funny.


Calla POV:

When I had imagined waking up next to my first lover for the first time I had always imagined more than one heartbeat involved.

If only I had known then.

Looking up into Kadens eyes now a content feeling washed over me and I snuggled into his chest. "g'morning...night whatever."

He chuckled lowly, "The sun set a few hours ago, we should get up Calla."

I groaned lightly, not ready to go back to our roles as master and pet, I was fine with the revealing clothes and fine with his smooth voice adoringly calling me his pet. It held hidden notes of what I truly am to him it was the only time in public he could show his affection for me going unnoticed.

Ironic considering I used to hate the nickname.

But what I wasn't fine with was everyone else, I didn't like being treated like a pet by them I didn't like the looks and the patronizing pats on the head from guests or the way they looked at me as if I were food. I just wanted to live with Kaden in our little bubble, "can't we just hide in here today?"

He gave a heavy sigh, "sorry pet, no can do. I have things to get done. Vicroft and his wife will be over with their pets for dinner...they wish to make amends."

I shot him a blank look, "you mean grovel at your feet?"

"pretty much."

"will there be snacks?"

"...its dinner love."

"I know I'm asking for snacks after and before when you're yelling at them, all the best shows have snacks.

He looked at me for a moment before shaking his head and gesturing to the bathroom door, "get cleaned up, I have some extra outfits and stuff for you in my closet, I'll get you what you need."

I was tempted to make a comment about certain things i needed that only he could give but seeing the slight strain in his shoulder and the tightness of his jaw I decided to keep it to myself, Instead I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as I slid out of bed and padded to the bathroom.


I practically skipped out of the bathroom, Kadens too big robe falling from my shoulder and dragging on the ground, "honey I'm home!"

He chuckled, running a hand through his wet hair, "Hello dear how was your day?"

I batted my lashes girlishly, "wonderful I started this steamy affair with some tall dark and handsome man."

Another low laugh, he pulled me to him by the belt of the robe,"glad to see someone can please you."

I kissed him softly flicking his forehead, "why is your hair wet?"

"Showered in another room."


"If I showered with you we never would have made it out of the room."

I hummed snatching a small bundle of fabric from the bed, "this my outfit?" He nodded as I looked over the two things, "there are two outfits here.."

"I know, take your pick darling I know how it frustrates you not being able to even do that....and since you cannot return to your closet..."

I smiled a bit and tossed away the pink number with the little crop top, the black romper low cut matched Kaden's clothes better. heh.

He smirked at me as I dropped the robe, "so big boy do I get any panties or are you planning on keeping me commando?"

He tossed me a tiny scrap of lace, "a little bit of both."

I laughed, slipping on my clothing, happy with his playful mood, "so what other goodies I get?"

He handed me a small makeup bag with everything I needed and a jar of concealer, raising a brow when I stared at it blankly, "you didn't really look in the mirror did you?"

I shook my neck, "uh there something wrong with my face?"

"Not your face and I personally like it but it cannot be seen."

I shot him a confused look before taking the jar and walking back into the bathroom.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a moment, poking the purplish bruise, "Kaden...why does it look the kraken attacked my neck?"

"Kraken seems a bit harsh love I like to think I'm far more handsome than a giant squid."

I giggled going to work on covering Kadens little mistake, "whatever floats your boat baby."

He gave a playful scoff, "I don't float boats love, I skink ships. Comes with being part Kraken."

I died, nearly collapsing in laughter.

I didn't even know Kaden could make jokes like that. It was nice seeing this side of him, especially since I had a feeling that I was the only one who did. finishing my 'love bite' covering and my makeup I slipped on my heels and walked back into the room, " do I look? pretty as a peach pie?"

"I don't even know what that means, but I can assure you no matter what you are far prettier."

I flushed, this man...this man is going to be the death of me.

Taking my hand in his Kaden picked up a golden collar and latched it around my neck with one hand, "....these have long lost their appeal."

I didn't respond to his hushed words, I just smiled and gently took his hand from my collar intertwining his fingers with my own smaller ones and tugged him toward the door.

The moment we stepped out of this room Kaden would go back to being that strict proper lord, and I his pet. There would be no more sweet smiles and stolen kisses, no more wit and banter, no more I love you'd. No more addressing him by his name.

I looked at up at him to find hid strange dual eyes already locked onto me, a worried expression splashed across his face. I smiled at him gently, disconnected our hands and opened the door, taking my first step back into reality.

The Vampire's PetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant