Talking, Pool and Star Wars part 1

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Elena woke up in a big bed with soft pillows, as the sun barely peaked over the horizon and wondered how she got there. The last thing she remembered was leaning against Elijah in the car on the way home from the bar. She didn't recognize the room she was in now but guessed it was an unoccupied room in the Mikaelson manor.

She burrowed further into the warmth of the bed as she thought about what she should do about Stef taking the coffins from Nik. After the killing spree she had gone on with Jeremy, Nik and Elijah, her mind felt clearer than it had for a while and it was like some pressure had lifted from her shoulders.

Knowing where Stef was keeping the coffins didn't really help Elena because she couldn't just walk up to Nik and Elijah and say 'I know where your siblings are!' And how do I know that? Oh, I died in another reality where your lives are a tv-show before I woke up in Elena Gilbert's body and that's how I know.

Yeah... No, that wouldn't work. What if she... Elena sat up with a quiet gasp. That idea had merit and could work, she just had to put on her best performance to date and hope that the Mikaelson siblings believed her.

She slowly got up from the bed and saw that she was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt that didn't belong to her and assumed that Jeremy, Elijah or Nik had changed her clothes or something.

As Elena walked towards the door, she made her eyes look as distant as possible, wanting it to look like she wasn't really 'at home' right now. She walked down the stairs and approached the front door when she heard Elijah greet her.

"Good morning, Elena." Elijah sounded like he was smiling.

Elena ignored him and kept walking. She knew that she worried him as he hurried over to stand in front of her. She just ignored him again and walked around him.

"Elena?" Elijah grabbed her arm gently.

"What's going on?" Elena heard Nik ask from somewhere behind her.

"I don't know." Elijah answered softly. "It's like she isn't really here, so to speak."

"What's going on, love?" Nik was suddenly right in front of her and then she saw Jeremy walk up beside Elijah out of the corner of her eye.

"I need to get the Oldest and the Youngest." Elena tried to make her voice sound eerie and far away.

"Oldest and Youngest?" Jeremy wondered softly from beside Elijah.

"The Oldest has been sleeping... sleeping... sleeping for so long." Elena decided that she could make a killing at faking being a seer, she was doing an awesome job. "The Youngest... so full of mischief... so full of bloodthirsty fun."

The other three in front of the front door stood quiet for a while before Elijah gasped and looked at Elena, "You know where Finn and Kol are being kept?"

"Need to get them." Elena murmured again and this time when she walked past Elijah, he let her.

"Let's follow her." Nik said and Elijah and Jeremy agreed.

"Is she okay?" Jeremy sounded worried.

"I don't know, cub, but we will do our best to make sure that she is." Nik said and through the corner of her eye Elena saw him place a hand on Jeremy's shoulder.

As Elena walked towards the old witch house, she knew that Death was helping her, because she was absolutely certain that she didn't know the way through the woods but here she was. Her feet started to hurt after a while, walking barefoot through the woods wasn't the best idea apparently.

Elena ignored it when she felt a sharp rock cut her foot and just kept walking, knowing that she needed to see her plan through to the end.

"I hope we get where she's leading soon." Nik murmured behind her.

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