A Masquerading Rose part 2

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Elena woke up as someone placed her on something soft-ish and removed the rope around her hands and feet. Why did this keep happening to her? Like seriously, did she have a sign over her head that said 'please knock me out'?

"Who the fuck are you?" Elena glared at the man, Trevor, if she remembered correctly.

"Shh." Trevor hushed her.

"I will hurt you if you come any closer to me with those teeth." Elena kept glaring. "And you could just ask first if you wanted a few sips of my blood, you know."

"Trevor!" A woman called out. "Control yourself."

"Buzzkill." Trevor muttered as he left the room.

"Shouldn't that be up to me?" Elena asked.

"What?" The woman, Rose, looked at her.

"If I want Trevor to drink my blood, and I'm really not saying that I do, but then that should be my choice, not yours:" Elena raised an eyebrow as she looked at Rose.

"Oh my god," Rose whispered as she came closer. "You look just like her."

"What do you want?" Elena groaned. "Like seriously? I just wanted to go home, get out of this dress and then sleep for about a week."

"I want you to be quiet." Rose told her.

"And I want a million dollars but we can't always get what we want, now can we." Elena smirked.

"True but I can at least make my wish come true." Roes glared at Elena before slapping her hard enough to knock her out.

Elena woke up some unspecified time later and wished, not for the first time, that her dress had pocket in which she could have stuffed her phone.

"How's the girl?" Elena heard Rose ask from somewhere upstairs.

"Still passed out." Trevor said.

"You didn't touch her, did you?" Rose demanded to know.

"Give me some credit, will you. Even though she looks really good in that dress." Trevor hummed but turned serious again. "So, you called him?"

"No, I called on of his contacts." Rose sighed. "You know how this works."

"Did you or did you not get a message to Elijah?" Trevor sounded annoyed.

"They said he got it." Rose told him.

"Wonderful and then what?" Trevor wondered.

Elena decided to try and get out of there and slowly and as silently as she could she walked up the stairs while still listening in on Rose's and Trevor's conversation.

They kept talking about Elijah and that name made a bell ring in Elena's head. She knew who he was, didn't she? Elena accidentally stepped on a squeaky floor board making Rose and Trevor turn to her.

"You! There is nothing around here for miles." Rose Quickly walked up to her. "If you think you are getting out of this house, you're tragically mistaken. Understood?"

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asked instead of answering.

"Your worst nightmare." Rose glared.

"Eh, I don't know about that." Elena muttered. "My nightmares can be pretty horrible."

"You're really not scared of us, are you?" Trevor asked slowly.

"Nope, not really." Elena shrugged. "Anyway, anyone seen my scarf?"

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