Last Klaus Day part 1

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As Elena sat waiting for Elijah to wake up after undaggering him, she was thinking about what was going to happen now. She had just started to hum quietly to herself when Elijah suddenly woke up.

"Elijah." Elena rushed over to him.

"Elena!" Elijah grabbed her face and looked at her in worry.

"Yeah, it's me." Elena placed her hands over his.

"Are you alright?!" Elijah looked down at her midsection where the arrow had hit her.

"I'm okay." Elena reassured him softly.

"I can't – I can't breathe!" Elijah's body spasmed. "What's happening to me?"

Elijah rushed over to the door but slammed into the doorway and as Elena ran over to him to hold him up, he muttered, "I can't... I can't be in this house."

Before Elena could invite him in, he slammed into another wall and disappeared. Elena rushed after him and went to the front door to see Elijah crouched outside. She quickly ran out to him to help him to his feet.

"What happened?" Elijah asked as he leaned against her a little.

"Shh," Elena hushed and gestured that Damon and Stefan could hear. "I'll tell you, but not here."

"Then let's go." Elijah walked towards her car.

"Elijah," Elena walked up to him and handed him the dagger. "I believe that belongs to you, sort of."

Elena got into the car and started it and Elijah joined her swiftly, "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Elena murmured as she drove away. "There should be some blood bags in the glove compartment."

A few minutes later Elena parked her car at the side of the road, "You look better."

"I'm feeling better." Elijah smiled at her, then he frowned. "Where did the Salvatore's and the hunter get the dagger?"

"I'll tell you everything." Elena promised. "But we have to work together, please."

"I don't think the Salvatore brothers seems inclined to do that." Elijah sipped from the blood bag.

"They don't get to decide anymore." Elena declared.

Before Elijah could say anything to that Elena's phone started to buzz. "Speak quickly."

"Where are you?" Stefan asked and Elena knew that Elijah could hear both sides of the conversation. "Are you okay?"

"I'm absolutely fine, why wouldn't I be?" Elena asked.

"Where's Elijah?" Stefan wondered.

"Why do you think I would know?" Elena hummed as she drummed her fingers against the wheel.

"Ever since we daggered him you have been trying to sneak down and undagger him." Stefan groaned in annoyance. "And now he's gone and so are you. Of course, I think you have something to do with it."

"He never deserved to be daggered in the first place, Stefan." Elena growled. "And let me remind you that between you and Elijah you are the one who had me shot with a crossbow."

"Elena, please..." As Elena listen to Stefan, she didn't see the appreciative look that Elijah was sending her.

"Enough, Stefan." Elena interrupted. "This is my decision, please respect it, and make sure that Damon doesn't do anything stupid. I'll be in touch."

Elena handed the phone to Elijah as a sign of trust after she had hung up and started to drive again.

"He's here." Elena informed Elijah after a few minutes.

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