Reckoning teen spirit part 2

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I hope you all have a wonderful time no matter what you celebrate or where you are in the world <3

Elena woke up on the first day of the new school year with a smile. The plan had been for Damon to call Kathrine and say that they wanted to help her with the whole Mikael thing because Klaus had turned Tyler into a hybrid 'against his will' and compelled Stefan to turn his emotions off.

Thanks to Damon's amazing ability to lie convincingly and Kathrine's creepy obsession with Stefan, she had bought it, hook, line and sinker. So now, Kathrine was doing her best to wake Mikael up while the Mystic Falls pack planned for every single thing that could happen.

Elena jumped out of bed, quickly took a shower and put on her chosen outfit for the day; black skinny jeans with ripped knees, black top, black boots and a blue leather jacket. The blue leather jacket had been a gift from Harper, Anna and Pearl, that they had bought in France when they had been there.

As Elena walked out of her room, she met Alaric on the stairs and smiled. "Good morning, Ric."

"Morning, Elena." Alaric smiled back. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling pretty good." Elena said and then she smirked. "And form the hickey on your neck, so do you."

"Elena!" Alaric called out in embarrassment.

The only thing he got in response was laughter as Elena made her way to the kitchen. She made herself and Jeremy a sandwich each and walked up to his room to wake her little brother.

"Waky waky, little brother." Elena pulled the curtains apart, making Jeremy groan and try and hide his face under his comforter.

"Nooo, don wanna." Jeremy whined and tried to burrow further into his bed.

"I brought breakfast." Elena coaxed as she waved the plate close the were his head was.

"What's on it?" Came Jeremy's muffled voice.

"Your favorite." Elena hummed and sat down on his bed as Jeremy sat up and accepted his plate with an adorable pout.

An hour and fifteen minutes later she was standing arm in arm with Caroline and Bonnie in front of the school.

"Here we are." Caroline said. "Senior year."

"Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?" Bonnie asked, sounding disappointed.

"Okay, so prank night was a bust." Caroline looked down, but then she straightened up again. "But we are accepting it and moving on."

"You're right." Bonnie nodded with determination. "This year is going to be awesome!"

"Last time you predicted an awesome year we found out about vampires, witches and werewolves." Elena pointed out with a chuckle.

"Shut up!" Bonnie and Caroline chorused with laughter.

"Didn't Rebekah say she might start school today to?" Caroline wondered with an exited smile.

"I think so, yeah." Elena nodded.

"Then when she has arrived, we shall rule this school like the amazing queens we are." Caroline declared and the three of them walked in to the school while laughing, ignoring the appreciative looks they were getting from most of the boys and even some of the girls.

A few minutes later they split up so they could go to their lockers and Elena was almost done putting her books in when a guy from the football team walked, almost swaged, up to her.

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