A Masquerading Rose part 1

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Elena drove her and Jeremy to the Boarding House, she didn't let her bike come bellow 60mph even when Jeremys arms tightened around her waist almost painfully. It had been a few days since the whole 'Kathrine tried to compel Jenna' incident and now Kathrine had threatened Caroline at the grill.

Apparently, she was pissed that they had "killed" Mason and there by destroying her only lead to the moonstone. Elena actually sort of liked Kathrine's character in later seasons but right now she was being such a bitch!

Elena quickly parked her bike and then her and Jeremy rushed into the boarding house to see Caroline on the sofa with Stefan and Damon standing around her.

"Caroline are you okay?!" Elena walked over and pulled her best friend into a hug.

"I feel better now." Caroline hugged her back before she was pulled into Jeremys arms instead.

"So, what's going on?" Elena looked at Damon.

"Well, as I said over the phone Kathrine threatened Caroline at the grill." Damon took a drink from his glass and then he recapped what Caroline had told him and Stefan.

"She wants to do it in public." Stefan explained after Damon was finished. "Us "killing" Mason threw her of guard."

"What she tried to do to Jenna was desperate and when that didn't work, she lost all her tricks." Damon sneered.

"We can't underestimate her." Stefan cautioned. "We have to be smarter than her."

"Can't we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline asked.

"No, Kathrine is not getting dick, I have had it!" Damon started to pace. "I'm going to the masquerade ball and I'm going to kill her, tonight!"

"Can I help?" Stefan smiled hopefully at his older brother.

"Absolutely, little brother." Damon smirked. "We can even make a whole brotherly bonding thing out of it."

"Actually, I think both you and Caroline are on to something." Elena hummed.

"What do you have cooking in that mind of yours now, sister-mine?" Jeremy asked with a smile.

"We pretend that we are ready to hand over the moonstone but instead we have Bonnie do a spell that will trap Kathrine in a room so that Damon and Stefan can stake her." Elena smirked.

"You are a devious genius and I am very happy that you are on our side." Stefan said after a while.

"Thanks." Elena beamed at him. "Hey Stefan, could you call Bonnie and tell her that Alaric will pick her up soon so they can come here? And tell her to bring her witch's cookbook."

"Yes Alpha." Stefan smirked.

"Oh, shut up." Elena chuckled then she turned to Damon. "Call Alaric, would you, and tell him to bring Jenna as they pick up Bonnie on their way here."

"Yes Mistress." Damon bowed his head with a smirk and Elena froze.

"You okay?" Caroline asked Elena.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Elena shook her head to clear it. "I need bourbon."

Thirty minutes later Caroline led Jenna, Alaric and Bonnie into the parlor.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asked as all of them sat down in the available chairs and couches.

"We're going to kill Kathrine!" Jeremy said enthusiastically.

"You sound very happy about murder, dear nephew." Jenna laughed.

"I can explain." Stefan piped up.

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